Today’s Reading: Exodus 36
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Key Verse: Exodus 36:6-7
So Moses gave a commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, “Let neither man nor woman do any more work for the offering of the sanctuary.” And the people were restrained from bringing, for the material they had was sufficient for all the work to be done–indeed too much.
What a wonderful problem! Every Pastor, every ministry leader should have such a problem. How do we get to this place, the place at which one must say, “enough”? What might cause such abundance? To answer that question, we need only to look again at the story we’ve read over the last few days. Yesterday we learned that those who brought offerings did so because they had willing hearts (Exodus 35:2,5,21,29). Because they were grateful for all the Lord had done on their behalf, they showed their gratitude by giving lavishly. We, too, need not wring our hands in despair that we do not have enough. What the Lord wants are willing hearts. A willing heart will make all the difference.
Lord God, I pray once again for a willing heart. Money is not my master. You, Lord, are my Master. My possessions are not the master. I rejoice in the fact that I can give to Your Tabernacle, Your Church, Your Ministry and to those who need my help. You said, Lord Jesus, “Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of one of these, you’ve done it unto Me” (Matthew 25:40). Amen!
Throughout the years, it has been a blessing to us to qualify as “willing-heart” givers. We pay our tithes, 10% of gross income, and we give offerings over and above the tithe. I’m not bragging, just reporting. I hope to be a good example. Norma-Jean keeps our books, so she knows what the tithe is. I love to write the cheque for our offerings. I was asked by a Ukrainian Army Colonel to help convince their military brass that they should have Chaplains or Padres in their Army. My first speech in the Ukraine to their senior officers was to propose a toast to Cornelius who, as a Roman officer, gave alms (offerings) to the needs of the Jewish people. These alms came up before God as a memorial and God sent an angel and Peter to this Roman soldier. God saved Cornelius and his family, and God established a chaplaincy in the Ukranian Army after 70 years of official atheism.
Yours for the joy of paying God’s tithe and giving our offerings,
Pastor David I am so inspired by your words this morning, you and Norma Jean are wonderful roll models for us all. Bless you in the name of Jesus. Have a Blessed day everyone.
Thank you for being so willing to share your life for God and with us. You folks are spiritual hero’s for us. George and Marilyn
Yes, wouldn’t it be great of the giving was overflowing:)
would be great to visit the Tabernacle of Moses at Timna National Park in Israel!
I agree with you George and Marilyn
Have a wonderful day everyone
Again I am speehless! God is speaking to me about tithing! I had a Holy Spirit moment last night. Was grumbling why the bank hadn’t taken out any automatic withdrawls A man smiled a HUGH smile and said that the banks give people until 11:55 to deposit any monies to cover the withdrawls! Again I am speechless! I commented that I had not thought about that fact. He smiled again and “we all needed to look for a silver lining”
It is rather late so I don’t know if you will ever read this, but it case you do, I just want to share my experience with tithing and perhaps it may help you. Like you I am on a very limited income, and I was having trouble understanding how God could expect people who like myself who live under the poverty line to give 10 percent.
Then I remember in Scripture when it came to bringing offerings to the Temple, God made allowances for those who could not afford a sheep to offer birds instead. So after much praying, I believed God was telling me He is more interested in the attitude — how we give rather how much we give. It is like David said it is the willing heart that is important. So I told God what I was willing to give and I faithfully and cheerfully gave that amount.
God honor that, and I soon found myself in a position to offer more, then a bit more, and now, although I am still at the same income level, today I am giving more than 10 percent without any hardship or lack on my end. How God manages that I don’t know, but I do know I always have what I need or what I require to have, but often do go without what I want, but sometimes God finds a way to provide me with those two.
I discovered once God can develop the attitude being faithful and generous and we gain experience in learning to let go of what we see is our security blanket, money, and trust God to be our security, it becomes easier and easier to give. I even pledged 1000 dollars to a church building fund a few years back, without any notion how I would get that money, only that I believed God would supply it. And not only did I paid off that pledge over time, but my bank balance went up by a thousand dollars within a year after I paid off that pledge.
Anyway, I hope sharing my experience will help our Lord help you in your struggle.
Giving 10% GROSS tithe from income (before deductions, and above what we receive.) You are truly devoted, Rev. David Mainse. It takes courage and faith to regard this above all measure!
Bless you Donna M. Your comments are valuable! I went through many scriptures also and one thing clicked with me, I felt my tithe should be more than my utility bill!!!!…that’s when I began thinking about the whole situation. Actually God has been talking to me for a long time and I just began to realize this…..it’s so interesting that the blog should make reference to tithing…..I appreciate the comments…I feel that we can post our thoughts and I fully expected to receive some wisdom from people. Thank you and God bless everyone.