Friday, August 22, 2014


Today’s Reading: Exodus 18-19

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This photo was taken in Caesarea Philippi, also known as Banias. The water originates from Mount Herman then flows into underground springs. It then makes its way down to the Galilee, into the Jordan River and then eventually, the Dead Sea. The water provided life to ancient Israel and still does today for modern Israel.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 19:4

You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself.


Organization is vital to success. Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, suggested a type of organization that proved to work well. Israel used this for many years. God blessed this structure and used it for His glory. Now, as Israel has put their house in order, God is ready to reveal Himself further to them. God spoke to all the people, and the people responded with this commitment, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do” (19:8). Many times Israel failed, but there were periods when they kept their word to God. The message is that in spite of failure, don’t give up. God dealt with the Egyptians and from available records, Egypt was led by their Pharaoh into a period where they turned from many gods to the worship of one God. God will bear His people “on eagles’ wings” to bring us to Himself.


Lord God, thank You for sound advice such as Jethro gave Moses. Please send such a counsellor to me and to all who pray with me today. Grant all of us an ability to organize ourselves in such a way that Your purposes will all be fulfilled. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!


When Israel was established once again as a state in 1948, Jews immigrated from Yemen in the Arabian peninsula. They saw the airplanes that came to carry them as God bearing them up on eagles’ wings. In recent years, the Jews from Ethiopia, carried by air to Israel, believed the same. I am totally convinced that God, Who delivered His people from Egypt, eventually establishing a state for them, has done it again in my lifetime. I was 12 years old when it happened. I remember the headlines in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper. I saw the newsreels at a Saturday afternoon cowboy movie with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. I read a book in the 1950’s by William L. Hull from London, Ontario, which documented the miracles involved in this unprecedented event (I saw an old copy of this book for sale on amazon here. It’s called, The Fall and Rise of Israel). For the first time in history, an ancient people were re-established in their own land, and an ancient language was re-born. God has not forgotten His promises.

Yours for all God’s purposes to be fulfilled,



15 thoughts on “Friday, August 22, 2014

  1. What a great history lesson of the Israelites coming out of Egypt. When Jethro was born, he probably never dreamt what an impact he would have on Jewish religious organization.
    Thanks so much for the headsup on a good book to read Rev. DM.
    Beautiful pic again Reynold.
    Blessings on all this cool, rainy day in west-central Alberta.

  2. Love that photo in Banias and prayed the prayer, David. Would love to read that book, “The Fall and Rise of Israel'” Am aware of “One Eagles’ Wings from Ethiopia. Thank you Lord for your husband’s successful back surgery, Wilma. God bless you saints.!

  3. Beautiful photo of God’s greatness in Caesarea Philippi, Israel! The history that goes with it, told in the Old Testament as we study the book of Exodus, and evident by its very exsistence including archaeological ruins of Caesarea Philippi, is clear proof of God’s existence and greatness. Glory to God in the highest and to his people on earth, let us proclaim how great our God is and shout to the roof tops! Amen! Praise God and to Him be all the glory!

    Exodus 18-19 is captivating. I look forward to continuing on with this study. Blessings dear saints.

  4. I’ve always gleaned the words of seniors. For they have experienced life more fully. Moses did so when listening to his father-in-law. Such wisdom from Jethro made it possible for Moses to continue leading his people without getting burned out.

    We bloggers also glean the teaching of Holy Scripture through the wisdom of David Mainse. He’s lived it… Amen and Amen!

    Blessings blog friends.

  5. Such a great encouragement for me. I am a christian and lately have been struggling a lot with fear and insomnia. Some days it feels really hard. I believe that God will help me though this but often I feel like I am losing it and begin to doubt. I am waiting for The Lord to heal me and restore my joy and peace.

  6. Thank you Lord for this Day for it is the Day You have made…thank you for Your word, that You O Lord guide and lead us into all truth…for Your word that says “if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of the Lord”…the wisdom that comes from you. Thank you for the wisdom and guidance You have imparted to Rev. David Mainse as he leads and guides us each morning via this blog.

    Unto to You O Lord be all Glory and Honour for ever and ever, Amen!

    Thanks Reynold, again a beautiful picture

  7. God is faithful to bring His people back. I am standing on that promise for myself.I read David’s blog daily and have only occasionally commented so I hope you fellow bloggers don’t mind me asking you to pray for me. I am struggling with depression in the midst of a very wonderfully blessed time……both of my children and their spouses just had new babies on Monday and the other a week earlier, August 11 and 18 . Both families are good Christian kids. God has already delivered me out of BiPolar eight years ago, but I am in the last days of struggle for my sanity and peace of mind.I’m asking everyone I get led to, to stand in the gap with me. Thank you.
    PS I was on the Israel trip last November 2013 [nine months ago–God was gifting us with these babies at the time] and found these red cliffs in Banias really fascinating. My heart sank though when I saw that people had made it a temple to Pan.I just love these pictures, Reynold. Love your blog and words you have for us,

    • Judy
      Just know that you can always turn for prayer from all of us and like Doreen suggested finding and singing from a good worship cd can really lighten your sorrow and bring you closer to Our Lord,Our Comforter

      With my daughters help tomorrow for she is the wiz in computer not me we will send on the blog one or two worship songs that you could enjoy to listen and sing to.

      Heavenly Father like your own beloved son Jesus had to experiance trials and tribulations and conquer over the ennemy with complete victory
      let my sister Judy experiance the love and peace of Christ in her ,pour the blood of Jesus on her and may the Holy Spirit quide her through all for Your Glory Amen Amen.
      XXX Carole

  8. Judy, if you can get hold of worship CDs or DVDs & sing along praising God, He will lift you up. Better still, if you can get to a church that really worships, He will be close to you. The Bible tells us that God lives in the praises of his people.

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