Today’s Reading: Exodus 13
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Looking at the sunrise over the Judean desert, we can see the Dead Sea in the distance beyond the mountain of Masada, which was Herod's fortress and the place where the Jewish freedom fighters made their last stand in 72 A.D.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 13:14
So it shall be, when your son asks you in time to come, saying, “What is this” that you shall say to him, “By strength of hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage…”
Four times in today’s reading God’s “Strong Hand” is emphasized. Repetition in Scripture indicates the importance of, in this case, the word picture presented to us. Throughout the millennia, the Children of Israel, known today as Jews, have continued to repeat over and over those words in their annual family ritual known as the “Passover.” In every observant household a child will ask, “What is this?” Again in the Scriptures we read the word, “ordinance.” Simply put, it’s an order from God. Of course the Jews who were the first followers of Jesus continued this “remembrance” every year. It was at “Passover” that Jesus said, as He gave His disciples the bread and wine, “This do in remembrance of Me.” When must obedient Christians partake? There is no set time as is the case of “Passover.” The word “often” is important. It can be daily; it can be weekly; it can be monthly or even annually. But time must be set aside regularly to obey the orders of Jesus to partake in the “Lord’s Supper.” For supplementary reading, go to Matt. 26:26-29, Luke 22:14-20, 1 Cor. 11:23-31.
Lord Jesus, You established what we refer to as “Communion.” Please grant me the grace of consistently obeying Your standing orders to repeat often the observance You established. May I partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine with a deep discernment of Your sacrifice. With Your “Strong Hand” You reached out to the whole human family, and we nailed Your Hands to the Cross. Thank You for the Gift of Your Body and Blood. Amen!
I want to introduce you to Sam Moore, former owner and operator of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the company which financed the new translation of the “King James Version” of the Bible. Approximately every 100 years another translation of the classic version, KJV, is presented to the world. I was raised on an older translation. For example, the words “thee” and “thou” are no longer in use in every day conversation. It would be next to impossible for anyone today to read with understanding the actual translation from 1611. A spoken language is constantly changing. Sam’s vision to bring together the finest scholars during the 1970’s caught my attention. He came several times as a guest on TV with me. Some of his scholars were also my guests. Sam was an imigrant from Lebanon to the USA who began selling Bibles from door to door as a university student to pay for his board, room and education, and was so successful that I have beside me as I type, the New King James Version, my favourite modern translation of God’s Word. Thank You Sam! Click here for more about Sam or here to find his biography book.
Yours for a greater understanding of God’s revelation of His thoughts printed in the language I know best, English,
P.S. Yesterday I had the privilege to serve the “Remembrance” of the sacrifice of God’s Passover Lamb to my grandson, Eric Mainse and his beautiful bride, Kara Harness, during their wedding ceremony in Bowmanville, Ontario (see photos below).
Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures of Eric, and Kara
I pray that God will bless them in every way and years to come as they
grow closer and closer to each other and to God.
Congratulations on your marriage !!!!
Norma-Jean my deepest sympathy at the tragic and sudden loss of your precious Mother and at such a young age. I had no idea. Praise God He blessed you with such a beautiful Kingdom man of God while blessing you with children, grandchildren, and now great grandchildren. All serving the Lord in due time. I am trilled to have company to walk through the Bible with David. It is my priority each day. However, when I signed up for this 2 year journey – never did I anticipate such a privy to the personals lives of your family. I consider this such an honour. Being part of Norma-Jeans Birthday song at 12:01, to Norma-Jeans birthday desire to go to her Mother’s grave, to the intimate moment of repentance with a wayward child of one eve. Your family is an example to the Nation how God IS the answer in every situation. Bless you all……
Thanks David for pointing out at various times in your blog, the importance of looking for repetitions in a passage. I had never thought about that approach. Also thank you for sharing from your personal life.
Congratulations and God bless you all. Kindly pray for my grandson 20 yrs. old in a serious accident in Cleveland’s little Italy, near Holy Rosary Parish – lots of injuries, it’s a miracle that he is alive. Political Science student at Case Reserve University. Thanks David and Norma Jean
Glad to be able to celebrate The Lord”s Day by joining in with my church family I look forward to this and i thank you Pastor David for setting the tone off my day. Lovely pics of the bride and groom. What a wonderful family you have. So sorry a out your grandson Shirley I el pray for him. Blessed Lord’s Day to all.
Correction , I posted my last comment then realized that you might think I was calling my blogger friends my church family. What I meant was I look forward to going to church every Sunday.
Thank you Jesus for your broken body and shed blood for us. Beautiful couple. Congratulations again, Eric and Kara and God’s bless you as you share your lives together. Great testimony of Sam Moore.
Sincerest Congratulations to the Mainse Family, in particular to Ron and Ann, David and Norma-Jean, of course to Eric and Kara Mainse, and to all of the family. I’ve always said you are indeed a very blessed family. Thank you for sharing your family so openly. To God be the Glory!
Remember Eric and Kara to always put your hands in the hands of He who calms the water…for a three-cord strand is not easily broken. It takes 3 – Jesus, Eric and Kara…God’s abundant blessings be upon you…
I wonder why no yeast is allowed for seven days during the Passover observance. Can’t imagine making bread with no yeast. In those days, wheat was probably better tasting.
What beautiful pics all around on your blog today. Thank you for sharing the precious wedding pics.
Blessings to all this Sabbath.
Congratulations to you, Eric David Mainse and wife Kara!! May the good Lord continue to favor your union and may He strengthen you both for whatever challenges you have waiting ahead. God bless you both
Congratulations to the bride and groom.
The beautiful couple look like a young Ron and Ann 2014 style.
Blessings to all,
Diane 🙂
In full agreement with you on that, Diane. Eric and Kara look like a younger version of Ron and Ann!! 🙂
You took the words right out of my mouth Diane. I was thinking that young Eric certainly chose a gal like his Mom! God’s richest blessings to the young couple as they start their new life together.
Thanks David for the great message and prayer, today. Beautiful photos of Eric and Kara Mainse!! Yesterday had a great exhibit opening! Thank you for your prayers! Anyone wanting photos (Lily May from yesterday), please post your email address. I will send them to you as I am unable to post photos on the blog.
Off to the healing service at 6 pm in Burlington, God willing! Bless ye merry saints! 🙂
I will not tell anyone want to do, but I would caution anyone from posting their e-mail address in the comment section of this site. Once you do in will be on the internet for anyone to access– you will get a lot spam and unwanted e-mails, also you could get targeted for identity theft.
Beverlee– a better and safer solution would be for you to create an account on Instagram– it is website for sharing photos– if you do you can upload your photos to that sight, and give everyone on this site the link to your Instagram site. This would be far safer and will allow many of us who would like to see your work but are not willing to give out e-mail address on the web a chance to see them. Also, an added benefit is if you’re are showing only your work, and not personal photos you have your open account, which means anyone on the web would be able to access photos of your work– who knows who the Lord will be able to move through your work if you did that? Anyway, please pray about it, and if you not sure how to work Instagram I am certain there are websites that could explain better than I could. I hope that is helpful
I wrote this poem-prayer for one of my relative’s weddings back in the nineties, with some slight changes, I offer it now for Eric and Kara
Heavenly Father
May Eric and Kara love each other more in trouble than they would in peace
May their love grown in darkness if the light of hope does cease.
May they find more joy in each other when the bloom of youth has fade
and may their love be found still growing beyond this world and grave.
May their love find enduring shelter under Your Wing of Grace
protected by Your unfailing Mercy and guided by Your Perfect pace.
May this be only the beginning in their discovery of how deep love can be
but most of all may their love be shared with others for You to see.
Congratulations what a beautiful couple inside and out.
When I get annoyed or bored hearing someone’s story many times, I have to remind myself of scripture, especially the Old Testament as God emphasized what He is going to do, and check my impatience.
Wonderful wedding pics. Prayers for them & for the 20 yr old grandson in the accident. May God’s healing hand be upon the young man, restoring, and blessing him as he recovers from the accident.
AMEN to the prayer for the grandson, for a speedy recovery and total healing.
…and amen to the prayers for the injured grandson.