Suggested Reading: Mark 16
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Garden Tomb is hewn out of the rock and was unearthed in 1867. It is considered by many to be the site of the burial and resurrection of Jesus. Inside the tomb, you can see how at one end the rock was carved out extra long to make room for a taller man than perhaps for which it was orignally made. There is a tradition that says that Jesus was 6 feet tall. In today's reading it says that the three women, upon "Entering the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe sitting in the right side; and they were alarmed" (Mark 16:5). Let us use our imaginations as we look at this photograph. The young man said, "Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place here they laid Him" (Mark 16:6).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Mark:16:15 & 16:20
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” …And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. AMEN!!!
All four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, end with “AMEN!!!” The exclamation points are a way for us to shout in print. The word “Amen” comes from a Hebrew word meaning “TRUTH” and “CERTAINTY.” It does not mean that our prayer is finished. It means “GO FOR IT” and “MAKE THE TRUTH HAPPEN!”
For whatever reason some of the ancient manuscripts end Mark’s Gospel at verse 8. The majority include verses 9 to 20. It’s hard to imagine Mark ending his record, most of which it is assumed he received as dictation from Peter, with the words of verse 8, “And they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid.” It would make no sense whatsoever. Beware of those who want an escape from these last verses and therefore jump to the conclusion that Peter, and probably Mark, did not hear Jesus say, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (6:15-16)! Jesus said this! I believe this! By God’s call, grace and empowerment we must obey the King of the Cosmos!!!
Lord God, here I am…send me, and if I am not directly called to be there in Afganistan or Uganda, or other places, I commit to pray for those who are preaching everywhere in obedience to Your direct order! I also commit to support, sacrificially, those who are faithfully and diligently, day and night, going into all the world! Without my financial support for world missions they cannot obey You. With my giving I am there with them. We are a team. I pray with a sense of urgency because the time is limited for us to accomplish Your plan. In the Name of the One Who promised to be “working with them,” Jesus, the risen Saviour, Lord, and King! Amen!!!
I’m thanking those who have helped me in this task during these final four days before we start our two-year journey through the Bible all over again on June 3rd. A big thanks to all who have encouraged me with your prayers and responses to the blog. The Holy Spirit and you have kept me going for 730 days without missing even one day. That seems to me to be a miracle. After all, I’m supposed to be retired. Retired? No way!! If anything I’m re-fired!! I have more enthusiasm and energy to serve God than I’ve had since I stepped away from senior leadership in Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. (click here to learn what some of the ways are in which we’ve sought to obey the world missions command of Jesus in the past, what’s happening now, and the vision for the future). After all, Jesus promised to work with us! This is God’s great success story of establishing His Kingdom here on earth!
I very much want all our blog readers to get to know our Global Chief Executive Officer, Dr. John Hull. I will be interviewing him on the 100 Huntley Street telecast daily from Monday, June 16th to Friday, June 20th. He followed one of the world’s most famous missionary Pastors, Oswald Smith and his son Paul, as Pastor of Toronto’s People’s Church. John’s passion for world missions is well known. He also served as President and CEO for John Maxwell’s “Equip” ministry for 13 years, increasing the outreach to the world from 2 languages and 5 countries in the year 2000 to 65 languages and 186 countries by August 2013. He joined us at Crossroads in September 2013. If you can’t find 100 Huntley Street on television, watch on your computer, iPad or iPhone at www.100huntley.com by 2 p.m. each day. Please, please pray for our team and leader.
Yours for doing what it takes, giving whatever it takes, and backing it all with strong prayer!
P.S. My son Ron, Chief Ministry officer for CCCI and CTS, interviewed Norma-Jean and me just over two years ago following my diagnosis of MDS acute leukemia and the news that it was incurable. I was to have departed this life this past March, but God must have wanted me to continue this blog! Here I am, feeling better than I have for years! Here’s that video with a surprise visitor who came on set just to pray for my healing (click here).
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man, woman or child certainly does availeth much! It was difficult to see how tired and underweight you were two years ago. Truly a miracle to behold, how you have held to your commitment by early rising, reading scripture, prayer and writing to us each and every day over the past two years, while becoming stronger throughout the journey! Life certainly is not a destination, but a journey. May our Lord continue to bless you, nourish you, protect you and keep you strong Rev. David Mainse throughout all the miles set ahead! His blessings and strength, to all!
Amen, amen, and amen!!!
AMEN! It is truly a miracle, David and we are so glad you are still with us!
AMEN, Ger!!!
Mark 16:8-20 is pretty amazing information. That must be why some churches use snakes. I’m afraid I’d be unable to attend those churches.
I believe I was baptized as a baby. What if a person wasn’t and they don’t attend church and don’t want to and never will? Guess that comes under the heading of “Free Will”.
I will pray for your team and John Hull DM. Have seen John on Huntley St. and he comes across as a fine leader. May God bless you all.
Also will pray for your hospital buddy, Valentino to beat the same cancer which invaded you DM. I pray he is as vibrant and spirit-filled as you and others who have counted on God to be their healer.
Thanks so much for listening to God at 4:00 a.m. and starting this study.
God bless us all this great Sat. morning. and may God put the best political party in charge of Ontario in its up and coming election. Amen.
My cousin is a retired United Church minister and sent me this link to some young fellows singing. Enjoy!
Thank God for faithful men like David Mainse!
Keep up the good work.
Just watched the link of your granddaughter praying for you! Oh how wonderful Jesus is and how wonderful is a Godly family! I start every day with your blog and what an encouragement it is
Oh, David Mainse! I wept as I watched the video. I remember when Rachelle was in the incubator and we were praying for her on 100 Huntley Street. She was saved by our prayers to Him and His loving grace in answer to those prayers. As she said, “Prayer invites God to do the impossible!” Amen! I thank her for coming on the telecast two years ago and sending that prayer request out for her grandpa. As she said, you have been the role model of a father and grandpa to so many of us!
Praise God for your faithfulness in calling to prayer the needs of so many others, David–always putting them before yourself. You are the epitome of the example to put God first as with this bible study and blog. Thank you for following the call and teaching us to follow by example. It has been an excellent example to follow and disciplined training to rise at 4 am, read scripture until 4:30 am, pray until 5 am, then write the blog. Thank you for teaching us to do the same. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank You, dear Heavenly Father, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, for hearing our continued prayers for David Mainse, and restoring him to complete health!! What an awesome God we serve! What an awesome world we live in because of YOU!! “Be my symptoms what they will, Jesus is my healer, still!” AMEN!
“All four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, end with “AMEN!!!!” The exclamation points are a way for us to shout in print. The word “Amen” comes from a Hebrew word meaning “TRUTH” and “CERTAINTY.” It does not mean that our prayer is finished. It means “GO FOR IT” and “MAKE THE TRUTH HAPPEN!”” Thank you for that little bit of wisdom, about the meaning of the word amen, David! I say it with even more conviction upon learning that. Still regreting not having taken Hebrew and Greek in my studies when I had the opportuntiy, but maybe that is a future goal to set! Indeed, our prayers are not finished. We should AMEN to make the TRUTh happen in our world as it is in HEAVEN! Amen, amen, and amen!!!
Praise God for your healing! I just watched your granddaughter praying for you again and was touched. I am looking forward to your next 2-year blog through the Bible.
I too am so impressed with the power of prayer and David’s remarkable healing. I hope that Valentino is also doing well.
I have enjoyed this past two year journey through the bible and, while I found Jim and Kathy’s comments on the Book of Revelation helpful, I look forward to David’s personal wisdom on this challenging book in two years’ time.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
PS Please continue to pray for peace in Jerusalem.
Amen and amen, Graham, agreeing with your comments about David’s wisdom and praying for Jerusalem!
once again Rev. David Mainse, thank you for sharing…even though I know the Lord has healed you…Andrea’s prayer brought tears to my eyes as I joined in the prayer today. God is so faithful and true!!!
Soooo thankful for God’s healing power in your life! And thank you for obeying God and doing this wonderful blog for us! Very much look forward to 2 more years of “fresh bread” from God’s Word. God bless you and Norma Jean and praise you Lord Jesus!!!