Suggested Reading: Zephaniah 2
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Today, 3,000 years after David fought Goliath in this valley, Israeli famers plant crops here to feed their people. In ancient times Israel lived in the mountainous regions and the Philistines on the more productive farmland all the way to the sea coast. Today's reading informs us of God's future judgment on the Philistines and other nations which surrounded Israel.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Zephaniah 2:3, 10
Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth,
Who have upheld His justice.
Seek righteousness, seek humility.
It may be that you will be hidden
In the day of the Lord’s anger.
…This shall they have for their pride,
Because they have reproached and made arrogant threats
Against the people of the Lord of Hosts.
“Righteousness,” “humility,” “pride,” and “arrogant threats” are contrasted in today’s reading! As people whose desire it is to be followers of Jesus, the One Who humbled Himself even to death on the cross, we must learn to be humble before God and people. Pride brings trouble! (Proverbs 13:10). Pride hardens hearts! (Daniel 5:20). Pride causes spiritual decay! (Hosea 7:9,10). Pride hinders our progress! (Proverbs 26:12). “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).
It seems that those who seek God and humble themselves before Him are in a perpetual minority. We must firmly resist cultural pressures to just go along with the crowd. For those who believe in the cross of Jesus, “the Lord’s fierce anger” (Zephaniah 2:2) has been born by Jesus as our Substitute. But what about those such as the nations around Israel and Judah who chose to remain in pride and arrogance rather than humbling themselves before God. It is a fact that the majority have it wrong. Jesus said that the “many” are headed for “destruction,” and the “few” for “life!” (Matthew 7:13-14).
Lord God, I pray for grace to live humbly before You and before people. You have promised that as I do this, You will lift me up. I thank You Jesus that You humbled Yourself even to death on the cross. I pray this in Your Name Jesus. Amen!!!
Yesterday from 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. I had the privilege to visit with Dr. John Hull, Global Chief Executive Officer of the ministry which sponsors this blog, Crossroads Christian Communications Inc (Canada and the USA). I can’t begin to tell you how encouraged I am. As the Founder of this ministry back in 1962, I support John 200%. Norma-Jean and I have increased our monthly giving. John’s vision encompasses the entire globe. He has spiritual depth and a thorough Bible and theological knowledge (he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from the world’s largest seminary, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (click here). Add to that 13 years of mentoring thousands of leaders around the world, both in the church and in commerce, during his tenure as CEO of “Equip” (click here). Prior to “Equip” he served as the Senior Pastor of “The People’s Church,” Toronto, for 7 years. He was only 35 years old when he was called to serve that great congregation where he demonstrated the Pastor/Teacher/Evangelist ministry gifts to all of Canada by telecasting for an hour every Sunday on the CTV network across Canada and beyond. I think my blog partners can tell I’m excited about the future of Crossroads!!! (click here).
Yours to participate in reaching the world for Christ!!!
P.S. I am making a commitment to pray more fervently than ever for John and the Crossroads team. I’m even wearing a T-shirt that proclaims the mission of this ministry (pictures below).
Looks like you have had a safe ride and adventure back from Florida (?).That’s a stellar t-shirt, you look very healthy! A lesson on pride and it’s adverse affect, can never be neglected as it can seep into life like a thief in the night. Better to maintain a perspective of humility in light of our existence in all creation. Condescending behaviour annoys and attempts to belittle ones sense of self, hence the importance of knowing our esteem and value in our Lords sight. Have a great day, everyone!
Hi David,
I loved the way you wove the analogy of bread together this a.m. !!!
I also recently wrote to you because I was excited that you & Norma Jean are now my neighbour in Burlington…..I live 4 doors from Lakeshore on Burlington Ave. My apt at the back of a beautiful historic home is my “cottage” year round. I replied to you once using the actual blog and not this set-up so it is probably ‘lost’ but I was ecstatic to learn that you were my neighbour once again and referred back to being a child in Deep River when you built the church there……I stood on the edge of the lawn when just the basement with the floor overtop wishing I could go to this new church… earthly father was ‘hurt thus hostile’ to the church so I believed I could not attend. (He is still alive and I am still believing for his salvation) Yrs later at age 32 I met the Lord through a friend at New Life Assembly/Petrolia and was mentored there for 3 yrs through the Patricks and many other beautiful people. I later moved to Caledonia and was here for the opening of Crossroads (June 6/50 is my birthday)…..more signifigance!
As a 2 yr old Christian I read your bio and discovered that you had prayed and gone door-to-door in Deep River and was instantly blessed to see that God had covered me with your families prayers PTL! I left D.R. the same yr you left for Sudbury… were in my world when I was ages 8-14. You came back into my
life as a young Christian through 100 Huntley St and later, in person, as I met you through Lorna Dueck. You had just been
diagnosed with diabetes and we prayed together. Soon after that I
served on the prayer lines for 3 yrs (what a wonderful blessing)
and after that I went through a painful separation ending in divorce which has led me to now be living in Burlington ON.
The Ham/Burl. area has always been home due to visiting grandparents as a child. I am experiencing God’s open heavens at this time in my life and moving forward. I am so thankful that God redeemed & restored your health to you (and Norma Jean) and thank you for continuing on. I hope to soon come full circle to being an active support of Crossroads once again. Thank you and God Bless! Peg ~ from Lessards Woods property/ Deep R. ON.
P.S. My young cousin, Cory Crowe tells me he worked on the bldg of your home near Kingston……he thought you were a really great guy……I am praying for his salvation too. He was a child when his mother left never to be seen or heard from again. He’s a beautiful young man now.
I say AMEN to your prayer Pastor David and welcome back. Great reading on pride today, and showing us how to connect with Jesus and the humility He showed the world.
Love the shirt, and you look well. Where can we get our shirts?!!!
Blessings to all.
Thank you for today’s study DM et al. The pics are lovely, as always.
I’ve watched John Hull on 100 Huntley St. and he seems like a humble man. I pray 100 Huntley St. continues for many, many years to come.
I pray for Israel and peace in that region.
Shalom to all and enjoy our 2014 Spring.
Pride – the BIG one! Always lurking and ready to pounce. Today WKBW in Buffalo was enphasizing the need for treatment & understanding of MDS leukemia. They did not mention any survival statistics at this time though. We are thanking God because He brought you through, David. God bless you, David.
Spelling – emphasizing!
Matthew 5 1-12
Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to Him, 2and He began to teach them, saying:
3Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
5Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.
8Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
9Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Thank you Lord Jesus for humbling me… May your Holy Spirit within lead me to do your will this day… in Jesus Name – Amen!
Praying for another blessed day dear bloggers… Have a good one.
It amazes me that almost 3,000 years ago, the Prophet Zephania was speaking about places that exist today that are hostile to Israeal and the Jews, it’s like reading a newspaper, incredible. Palestinians and Muslims inhabit those areas today (corrections if I am wrong please, geography was never my strong point). Wow. We need to pray for those people to come from the darkness, the stranglehold of principalities and powers they don’t understand, and come to the light of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Good Morning to all ‘fellow followers ‘ of this blog. Thank you so much to Carole and Samuel and Catherine for your comments and especially your prayers for me yesterday. It was difficult to write of my struggle yesterday, as I feared it would sound weak and lacking in faith, ( oh my pride that others would think well of me).. and you responded in such love and encouragement. I read ‘Maximum Faith” last year, and prayed for God to ‘Make me like you’ again as I have many times over a 40 plus walk with Jesus and He heard me and sent a year of ‘deepening’ my faith . Thank you for understanding my heart, and for the lovely scripture Samuel. Abraham indeed trusted God to fulfill His promise even when int he natural it looked impossible. My thoughts yesterday as I drove thru my small city to one of my son’s homes, where my husband was helping him to build a patio, led me to praise and say a long long list of thankfulness and gratitude. I know that the prayers of those here , helped to lift my eyes to God yesterday and off my problems and yes, some self pity. I read in my devotions this morning, the blessing in Deuteronomy of Moses to the tribes just before he died. In particular what spoke to me was the lovely words to ‘Benjamin’ about God “and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders!’ what a glorious picture of God lifting Benjamin ( and me too perhaps!) up to carry on His shoulders, out of the fracas of life and troubles into a place of safety and joy. Thanks again DM for this place to share, and read, and learn, and to gain, as I did yesterday, such lovely encouragement.
Your photo made me smile and rejoice, David. Sought the Lord this morning in my prayer room for direction. Also your study on pride is very applique. Wonderful delivery of fresh bread this morning. Thank you and the Lord guide and use us. Amen!!
Forgive me, Lord. We can be used right on this blog. Linda, thank you for your honesty and if this is any consolation, I was experiencing “hope deferred” yesterday too but my seeking Him earlier this morning and David M’s and fellow bloggers’ blog are restoring me. Praise God, I am glad you are feeling the same.
I am with you, too, Ger, and Linda. I was in a prayer room, praying earlier today. And having a good cry in time of trouble, earlier. But, God lifted me up, and I thought of the peace and love and restoration I feel from this blog. Amen! Oh, saints, our God is so amazing! We are so blessed to serve!!! <3
I too am a reader of your blog but rarely comment. I’m very thankful that you will be beginning again on June 3. It’s a wonderful way to start your day. Encourage Ron, Moira and John to mention it more often on Huntley Street program.
Glad to see you made it back from Florida safely on your trusty motorcycle. Love you David and Norma Jean!
David, Praise the Lord for a safe trip home , God is good ….R…
Dear Rev. David M.
What a radiant smile…. and yes I am another one who would love to wear that fantastic t shirt.
So very grateful to The Lord that with your precious blog we can seek HIM every morning , giving HIM thanks and praise.The support and love that we share with each other through this daily Manna is TRULY DIVINE, so Lord thank you, for Your faithful servant David M. his immedite family , and his Christian Soldiers ( 100 Huntley team).
Have a blessed spring day everyone.
xxxx Carole.
Happy Spring from Edmonton!!! Finally, maybe!! Has been a long horrid winter!!!
You’re looking well David!! Love the Tshirt too!! Priase God!!
Nancy xoxoxo
So happy to see your smiling face, today, David Mainse–thank you and praise God you are home safe and sound! You look great!!! My internet was down all day; I am so thankful to be back on-line. How gracious am I to be a child of God, serving our Lord, and sharing with fellow saints on the blog you graciously nurture and tend to for His flock of sheep!
Thanks for all the links about pride; great reminder from scripture about humility–how wise it is for us to remain humble.
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14
God bless ye, merry saints!