Suggested Reading: Hebrews 11
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

On the side of the replica of Moses' Tabernacle at Timna Park in Israel, you can see Cherubim designed into the side curtains that keep the sun off the Holy Place and Holy of Holies. Our readings in Hebrews teach us about the activities which took place in the first tent Tabernacle. These ancient people had faith to believe that the design of their tent of worship and sacrifice depicted the actual approach to God, which is in Heaven above. They illustrated our key verse for today.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
“Faith” is absolutely essential to our eternal salvation and to enjoying success in our temporary life here on earth. Nicodemus, of the Jewish denomination of the Pharisees, and “a ruler of the Jews,” came to Jesus secretly and confessed his faith struggles. Jesus summed up His teaching to Nicodemus with these words, “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (John 3:36). We may want to take the time to read the entirety of John’s third chapter (click here). Eternal life is the most far-reaching result of our faith, and there are many other results as well. Take, for example, the vitally important matter of answered prayer. James 1:6-8 tells us, “Let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double minded man, unstable in all his ways!” Before we despair of our lack of faith, let us remember that “faith” is both a gift of the Spirit of God to us (1 Corinthians 12a), and also a fruit of the Spirit (faithfulness), which grows in our lives as branches that are securely attached to the vine (the trunk) of the Lord Jesus Himself (Galatians 5:22). God does this in us! Rest in Him! Faith is produced in us as we read the Word of God daily. Romans 10:17 encourages us to keep reading God’s Word. We can all do that! “So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!”
Lord God, Help me to rest in You, knowing that as I soak in Your Word every day, I am receiving Your gift of faith, and as a result I am full of faith (faithfulness). I pray for greater hope and confidence than ever as I take this journey through Your Word each day. I rest on this secure “Substance/Evidence.” In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!!!
Yes, I read the Scriptures every day, but I know it has an increased impact on me when I hear the Scriptures read, either out loud by my own voice or by the voice of the one who reads for me when I click the spot at the top of the blog. It may be that by taking in the Word of God by both my eyes as well as both my ears, there is a double impact on my heart and mind. I’d like to hear from blog participants as to whether or not you find it to be true that you receive more if you both read and hear God’s Word. It does seem to be reasonable that if two of my senses are active in receiving, it will have a greater influence than just one.
I remind myself regularly that Hebrews 11 may be the only chapter in the Bible that seems to assume that many more names will be added in future generations. I know of people whose names would fit in with the heroes of faith listed here. I long to follow their examples faithfully.
Yours for the “Substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.”
P.S. Behind me in the photo below is the “Shrine of the Book.” It encloses, under the clay jar shaped dome, the complete scroll of the book of the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah is filled with prophecies predicting the birth and the ministry of the Messiah. On Monday we start our Isaiah readings. Starting today I want to attach the first of five Christmas specials I hosted from Bethlehem (click here).
Good morning David
I whole heartedly agree with you David. I prefer to have the visual and audio
together. I definatly absorb more information when I read along with the pastor during a cermon.
God bless!
Praise God! So do I…
I 100% agree with you sir! It’s either I listen to the audio and read along or read out loud. Whenever I try to convince myself that I can still read in my mind and understand, my mind tends to drift away easily while reading. So I honestly appreciate you including the audio readings always. God bless you sir, and you all my fellow blog buddies! Have a blessed Saturday
I am usually up and softly read the daily scriptures and blog out to myself. Due to recent travel and time zone changes, a few times lately my wife and I were up close to the same time. She would ask me, “have I done my blog yet?” About to start, I would tell her, “not yet, but about to start.” “Don’t mind me, if you want to read out loud,” she would answer. And so, I would. I didn’t realize that many mornings she could hear my voice! Yes, I too find that quietly reading helps me to focus and digest as I hear the words. Such an inspiring message today in your commentary and scripture about faith! Thank you, David! Blessings and a Spirit-filled Christmas, to all!
Yes, hearing or reading out loud — using both ears and eyes definitely helps me to focus. When I read with just my eyes I have a tendency to skim over the words rather than just read them. And if I am just listening to the Word like in a church service if I don’t follow along in my Bible, I tend to tune out.
So yes employing two senses at the same time helps avoid the human weakness of distraction especially after reading Scripture for years we may be tempted to think we know what is being said that we don’t pay attention like we did in the beginning of our faith walk.
I also find saying my prayers out loud helps too, otherwise I find my mind wandering to other things while speaking to God.
AMEN! I think you have said it perfectly Donna M. 🙂
Over the years I have found if I just do one without the other I miss out on so much. We live in a distracting world, so doing both together helps one’s focus.
I also like to underline and have a journal I write my thoughts in on certain scripture verses/passages that ‘speak’ to me.
I too, like to say my prayers out loud…even if in just a whisper.
I too like to use both eyes and ears!
I am so looking forward to the book of Isaiah…..I love it and after Psalms is probably one of my most underlined books.
Thank you so very much for our blog, and how it encourages us to stay in The Word. Other studies with no commentaries seem to fall by the wayside and do not get finished, but I have been in since the beginning and can see my faith maturing more and more. Thank you Pastor David, your family and fellow bloggers for your wisdom and encouragement.
Feeling much better today, thank you for your prayers.
As I read with you I hear tne words permiate my being and this is my favorite verse .Ihearyour voice David and God Bless you 🙂
Yes I agree, reading out loud makes all the difference. I read quietly in the morning and then my husband and I take turns reading the blog out loud in the evenings. We enjoy this very much. Thank you again, David, for being faithful to this blog and Blessing all of us. Merry Christmas to you David, your family and all fellow bloggers.
I get more out of the scriptures by both reading and hearing them. When listening to the words, just the emphasis the voice puts on different words makes me understand the passage much better.
May God bless your beautiful family and you now and always David.
Merry, merry Christmas to you all.
I agree, David, for me hearing and reading together really helps to focus and understand the scriptures. Also, after almost 2 years, I want to let you know your 100 words have helped me understand the scriptures as never before. Lots of ‘wow’ moments for me. I also really appreciate the pictures! Thanks!!
I love this ‘Faith’ chapter! I am awed by how the people in it responded with such great faith when they were tested. The obedience. The trust. The faith. The miracles shown. I read this chapter and feel my faith is so puny in comparison.
Now I realize that this may sound a little crazy, but I also wonder: about Issac.
It was his dad who tied him up and laid him on the altar to be sacrificed. He was old enough to carry the wood and ask the question of where was the sacrifice. He wasn’t a baby unaware. I wonder how he felt towards his dad after. David M.? Anyone?
I heard a thought……the boy did as his father asked…..he got the wood and asked the question……where is…………..I found myself thnking about my responses…..God speaks many times but I don’t always hear it……….and sometimes I do and also ask questions……interesting…..good thought
Well, I guess I’m the sole dissenter today … haha! I actually find that when I quietly read, I can read at my own pace and can go back and review what I’ve read, focusing on what speaks to me, rather than being distracted by someone else’s voice. Although I have tried before (Bible Gateway), I will however heed the previous comments and try to listen to a readers voice once again, obviously it works well for many. Having said this … I did read with my wife this morning and turned it into a morning discussion, which was lovely. Have a blessed day to all!
Hi Scott,
We too have had conversation around the blog readings. It’s great when this happens! When re-reading, I also find it better to read silently. Hope you are both having a great day!
🙂 Blessings!
Dear David: Yes it is more meaningful to me when I hear the scripture read out loud as I follow it within your blog. Sometimes though, in the quiet stillness, I get a lot out of the scripture as I meditate on it, as well.
I tend to drift when hearing the audio and following along silently. I often read it both ways to compensate for that problem. I have not, to this point, read along with the voice recording. I will give that a try.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, I love your blog, my favorite is Rom.8 28, my mum thought me when I was still young, also your picture is AWESOME, HAVE a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you, love Jenny
David, you are such a blessing to me as I meditate on Scripture and your blog. Having been to Israel, your photos add a lot of interest to the readings each day. Although I have attended church for many years including Bible study, this is the first time I am actually reading “through the Bible” and thus am able to see the big picture better and the context in which many well-known verses are placed. The themes and consistency that we see written by 40 different authors over several thousand years inspires me.
By the way, everybody, let’s keep praying for David’s health – I am amazed how productive he is despite having to battle a life threatening illness. Sometimes I can barely keep up just reading his blogs every morning, never mind having to write one each day. And then he’s travelling here and there, still keeping speaking engagements, appearing on TV… And I am younger and in good health, oh my… Truly a most faithful servant of Jesus, wouldn’t you say?!! Merry Christmas, David and Norma-Jean.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and prayers are so inspiring for me, love your picture today, my favorite verse Romans 8 28, I learned as a young child from my parents, this has taken me a long way in my life, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all, love Jenny
Amen, Marie! Scott, you are not the only dissenter, Ha! I get more from Scripture if I read silently at my own pace and meditate on it as I read rather than have the distraction of voice. However, I am glad the audio is included and have listened a few times.
At times, I find reading in the quiet is needed; other times, reading out loud; and still other times, reading and hearing the audio at the same time. Sometimes, I prefer to read the scripture verses for the day in my bible, when I sit with my other daily reads; and then read it again on my laptop, along with the blog. There is no perfect way for me; rather it has to do with the feeling of the day, I find.
Faith is a knowingness I feel in my heart. It does not have to be proven; it simply is. Jesus, our beautiful Saviour, is real. Because of our faith and love for Him, we reside.
The overnight ice storm in Kingston has hit pretty hard. Right now, I am looking up at the skylight that is frozen and see a cross right in the middle–how divine! Blessings to all, dear saints! We love you, David Mainse!
Yes, I would agree with seeing and hearing the Word. I absorb more with the hearing along with reading along with the speaker.
Be safe everyone, it’s going to be a nasty night hear in Eastern Ontario. It is the first day of winter!!!
Yes, I would agree with seeing and hearing the Word. I absorb more with the hearing along with reading along with the speaker.
Be safe everyone, it’s going to be a nasty night hear in Eastern Ontario. It is the first day of winter!!! God bless each one!
I was GREATLY BLESSED when I found site and could listen to scriputre……it
helped me immensely….it makes me feel like I have another peson sitting in the room with me… works very well….i listen and follow along in the Bible….it seems as i’ve gotten older I don’t read anymore but I really like listening to people talk and read and when I do Bibile studies I find it very comforting…..I was excited to go through the Bible in 2 years and even though I might read 2-3 days of blogs…..i DO IT AND REALLY LIKE HEARING THE SCRIPTURES. Thank you Mr. Mainse.
I have been listening the the audio. Then reading the scripture for myself. Then reading Davids comment then re-reading the scripture at night or going on to read the next chapter to give me a head start for the next day. Listening to Scripture being read gives me a different perspective, something outside of myself. I can go back to a statement or paragraph and hear it again. I love just reading the scriptures as well and under lining. I so enjoyed reading again and again chapters 9 & 10 of Hebrew. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice “once and for all”! Thank you David M. for your faithfulness in leading and commenting on Scripture. Thank God for the strength God is giving to you. Thank God for His healing in your life. God always has the final word regarding our life and ministry,. A wonderful Christmas to all – and a New Year filled with many surprized blessings. Samuel
Hi David,
On Friday morning I hosted an annual friendship tea with some dear friends of many years and we each shared what the highlight of our year was. My highlight of 2013 is the Scripture audio link that I have received every morning since June 1st through the 100words blog. I started after Ron mentioned the blog in the May Crossroads magazine.
The first thing I do before arising and getting ready for work is to listen to the Word of the Lord being spoken in my ear. I have a new appreciation for the verse from Roman 10:17 that says that Faith comes by hearing and Hearing by the Word of God. My own Bible is very dear to me. However, there is something about hearing the Word, and in a different translation, that causes a verse to arrest my attention and be highlighted by the Holy Spirt that has been astounding to me.
If at all possible, I love to listen to the same chapters as I drift off to sleep at night. It settles my spirit and helps me let go of the cares of the day. Even my husband will ask, as we hold hands before going to sleep, what chapter are we listening to tonight?
I love to read the blog as well and delight in the pictures you send. I so appreciate your heart of compassion for those of our world who are lost or troubled.
My prayer for you these past few months has been that the Lord would indeed extend your days and give you the strength and health to do all He has called you.
Thank you for your perseverance and faithfulness in seeking God every morning for fresh manna and revelation to be delivered to your blog readers. I, for one, have greatly benefitted and am very appreciative.
God Bless you and may you have a blessed Christmas with your beloved family,