Suggested Reading: Hebrews 7-8
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Just outside Jerusalem's Old City walls is the Garden Tomb area. It is thought that this could be where Jesus was laid after His death. The hymn comes to mind, "Up from the grave He arose with a mighty triumph o'er His foes." Another line says, "Death could not hold its prey, He tore the bars away." YES!!!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Hebrews 7:24-25
But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. Therefore He is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He ever lives to make intercession for them.
The words, “EVER LIVES” in our reading stand out as does “FOREVER,” and “ENDLESS LIFE!” Rev. Jim Cantelon writes in “Day Unto Day,” published by Crossroads in the 1990s, these words about Hebrews 7: “The writer speaks of Melchizedek as ‘without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life…’ (7:3a). What is he telling us here? If he intends us to take it at face value, he’s telling us that Melchizedek is God (for only God has no parents, no genealogy, no beginning or ending).” Jim is founder of the great “King of Kings” congregation in Jerusalem. Many scholars believe that Melchizedek was Jesus trying on the garments of humanity in a relationship with “The Friend of God,” Abraham. There are eight volumes in the “Day Unto Day” series. They are out of print but some used copies can be found for on here. These books and others published by Crossroads over the years have served a high purpose for God and His people, but they do not claim to be exhaustive commentaries on Scripture. Such works as those of Matthew Henry, 1662-1714, are exhaustive, having many 3-inch thick volumes with tens of thousands of pages of detailed teachings on every verse of Scripture. Check online Matthew Henry’s commentary on Hebrews 7 on line here. The publishing efforts of Crossroads, including this blog, are for 99.9% of people who are not full-time seminarians or Bible teachers.
Lord God, I do want to study Your Word faithfully. Help me in my commitment to read Your Word every day without fail. I may not be able to read exhaustive commentaries, such as that penned by Your servant, the ordained Presbyterian Minister Matthew Henry, but I intend to, at the very least, take some time daily to spend with You in prayer and in study. I ask You for grace to be consistent! In the Name of the totally consistent One, Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen!!!
About 55 years ago my Dad gave me a set of Matthew Henry’s commentaries, and I used them for years in my sermon preparation, but not for my daily devotions. I came to the conclusion that preachers and Bible teachers who stand before congregations need both a rich devotional life and an in-depth study of God’s Word. These are not the same. One is for personal daily spiritual strength and the other is for the accurate impartation of Truth to others.
Norma-Jean and I live now in an 1100 square foot apartment. In checking the walls, I realize that from floor to ceiling, they would not hold the books I once had. In 2005, when we sold the farm in which Norma-Jean was born, I invited our children to raid my library first. They probably helped themselves to about 100 books each. Then I contacted the Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener, Ontario, and invited the students to do the same. One of the students was excited to get my old set of Matthew Henry commentaries. I look at my bookshelves now and they would measure about four feet high and five feet wide. Books are still a priority in our family budget, but I tend to give them away after I’ve read them. I’m looking around my shelves now, and I think it’s time to give more away. I thank all who read this blog from the bottom of my heart, for taking the time to join me each day. You are very special to me!
Yours for the glory of the One Who is Forever, and ever, and ever. The indestructible One!!!
P.S. For an advance peek at the Christmas Eve show I am hosting from Bethlehem, click here. Be sure to watch, if possible, each night, December 23 to 27, at 9:30 p.m. right after the 100 Huntley Street telecast, on CTS television. Help me share the Good News with others. Thanks!!!
Traditional churches often use the term “mysteries” when speaking of theological or Biblical concepts that are beyond the realm of human reasonings. I think that Melchizedek would certainly fall under this category. Jesus isn’t short on “mysteries” either, but He is our Lord and Saviour which speaks to the heart and soul personally. I trust that which we now know only dimly, will be revealed more fully and the “mysteries” will be no longer
1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV)
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then I shall know even as also I am known.
David I will be looking forward to the christmas shows if Vision or utube carry
it for I don’t have CTS . From December 23- 27 or 28th I will be with my family
for christmas . If I cannot log in this is why but I will try to keep up in my reading.
Would you pray for me because I am having alot of seizures due to stress
and other things around this time also that I will have time to spend alone with
God. Thank you
Have a good day everyone
Lianne Hogg
Praying for you Lianne. Try too draw a,side and rest in His Loving arms. God will make a way, where there is no other way. Blessings sister!!!
Lianne, I pray for you as you go to visit with family that you will feel relaxed and that you will have a time of refreshing in the Lord. I pray that the stress which is causing seizures will be lifted in Jesus Name, AMEN!!!
Here is a link to the song that Catherine mentioned “He will make a Way” by Don Moem. I trust it will minister to your heart today.
God bless!!
Thank you or the link Ruby. I am not feeling too well these days since my surgery last week so ask my fellow bloggers for prayer to gain more strength before the holidays.
Christmas blessings to everyone. I know God will strengthen me.
Prayed for you Catherine and Lianne. May God grant you both a calm and peaceful Christmas season.
Thanks for your prayers Judy and Scott. I will rest in the knowledge God hears our prayers a nd His strength will support me. Blessings.
Praying for your full and speedy recovery Catherine, sometimes surgery can really take the wind out of our sails, particularly during this busy time of the year. I pray that the Lord brings you a quick and complete healing and that you steadily gain a greater strength over the holidays. God’s richest blessings to you Catherine.
Lianne, so sorry to hear of your seizures … this can be a stressful time of year for many. I will pray earnestly that God will grant you grace, peace and comfort that the stress of the season will lessen so that you may enjoy this time with your family and friends. God Bless.
Praying for you both. Know that he has both your backs. That’s who He is. That’s what He does.
Thank you Susan. Bless you.
Thank you Pastor David for your input. The commentary of Matthew Henry is fairly long, so I will try to digest some of it every day.
Looking forward to the series you have put together. Let’s mark our calendars fellow bloggers.
Praising My Saviour, all the day long.
I have struggled with my understanding of why Abraham gave tithes to that king of Salem. Somehow while reading the passage, the light went on. Isn’t it great when that happened. We enjoy travelling with you on this blog. Wishing you and Norma Jean a blessed Christmas
Amen! I am so happy you provided a link to Matthew Henry’s commentary, David. I have been wanting those books for years. I have Barnes’ Notes. Yes, try to rest in the Lord’s loving arms, Lianne. I put myself there last night and He took my anxiety. Praise God! Blessings, David and blog buddies.
Thank you David for your gift of books to your family & to students of EBC. Someone once invited my husband, Tim, to help himself to his library of sacred books. This was early in his career as Pastor & it was such a blessing to him.
In this day and age of digital books it was heartwarming to heard about students eagerly grabbing hold of an actual book. And how generous of you to let go of what sounds like quite the investment in books free of charge. Giving away a book once read is wonderful idea especially for those who cannot afford the cost of newer books.
David I can’t wait to read the word with you and your commemtary
Thank you for your faithfulness and sharing
We love you and Norma Jean and your entire family
God Bless and keep you strong and bless all wno read your blog
Love you All 🙂
It is truly mind boggling, the depth of insight published on scripture by respectable scholars. Yet, scripture has a way of communicating to all with an open mind and willingness to learn and grow. Like a black and white painting on canvass transforming into vivid colours, this blog has enriched our lives with deeper insight of God’s love, God’s leading and redemption through Christ. So much to learn and so few years of God given life. Looking forward to watching your series from Israel, David! Blessings and cheer, to all!
Manger Square was much less busy than during our visit with you and Norma-Jean on a Sunday afternoon in 2012.
You also look more healthy this year than last, and we thank God and your doctors for your healing.
We look forward to the CTS series which will be a great way to celebrate the Christmas story with our family.
Thank you, thank you for your daily commitment to this blog.
Graham & Vivienne.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
Thank you God!! Amen, Amen & Amen!!!
Christmas blessings to all!!
Nancy xoxoxo
Thank you as always for your wisdom that God imparts to us through you !!!!!
God bless you all and a very Merry Christmas!!!!!
Dear Rev. David M.
Thank you again this morning for your precious teaching . Looking forward to your CTS christmas special next week.
Heavenly Father , thank you for sending your one and only Son and by His death and ressuraction imprinting in our hearts and in our minds The New Covenant . All in Jesus name Amen.
PS. Keeping you in prayer sister Lianne .
Blessed day everyone.
xxxx Carole.
Especially as I have been very sick, I wake up and the first thing I do is read 100 Words. David your commitment to this has been a source of blessing to us. Please pray for me I fell as I asked for prayer a couple of weeks ago and then got bronchitis and then an adverse reaction to a pill, which was terrible. I feel very attacked by the enemy and covet your prayers.
God bless you all.
I thank God every day for your “100 words”, and have made it the first thing I do in the morning (After making my coffee!) when starting my daily devotionals. You, crossroads and 100 huntley st. are a big reason why I’m a christian today. I just wanted you today you’ve made a huge, positive impact on my life. A life, I might add, that was going nowhere fast. Thank you!
Ha Ha The second last sentence is supposed to read “I just wanted you to know you’ve made a…” sorry about that!
Look forward to this series David. Dave and I were with you as you taped these segments …….but I regret that I never saw you doing the taping. It was probably done right beside me and I didn’t notice Lol, lol.
As in this picture for today, the place where they believe that Jesus’s body was laid was a very special place …it felt very peaceful there and worthy of respect as we quietly crawled through the small opening to see inside the grave/cave.
From Judy [and Dave] who were on YELLOW BUS on the trip to Israel 2013..less than a month ago. I’m finding it a challenge to sort through the 800+ pictures I took and highlight the best parts of this trip… was ALL so good! Thanks again David and Family for leading us through this trip.
Wow!! I enjoyed the video. That was a 29:50min well spent:) God bless you sir and thank you so much! What an amazing moment with you and your family, merry Christmas to you all
I’m certainly looking forward to your up-coming series from Bethlehem that will be airing next week. I’ve posted the info to FB so that others can see it too. Also, it was good to read about the distribution of your books. My husband and I have walls lined with books and we will have to find a way to distribute them as well as we must soon consider down-sizing from a large two storey house. We both find it so hard to let them go. Help!! You have inspired me to think more seriously about ways in which we can learn to release “stuff!” If you have any other suggestions as to organizations that would benefit from receiving books, we would appreciate it. Thanks. Have a wonderful Christmas. Blessings!