Suggested Reading: Hebrews 3-4
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

At the traditional site of the baptism of Jesus at the Jordan River, a priest conducts a service. The Hebrew people, to whom the book of Hebrews was addressed, would have been very familiar with the ceremonies conducted in the Jerusalem Temple by the High Priest. The vestments of the Jewish priests were carried into the Christian church all over the world by priests who were believers in Jesus. The liturgy of Temple worship has influenced the rituals of all the ancient churches as they see the sacrifice of Christ on the cross portrayed in their traditional forms of worship. The service pictured above is conducted by a Coptic Priest from Egypt.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Hebrews 4:14
Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.
The first verse of today’s reading urges us to “Consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus.” We are encouraged to examine carefully the role of Christ Jesus in His absolutely essential work of presenting the sacrifice of His own life to Almighty God. There is no salvation apart from Christ. Therefore, believers in Jesus are exhorted not to depart from their faith in Christ.
Hebrews chapter four repeats the word “rest” seven times. We may want to look up the word “rest” in the dictionary and ask ourselves, “Are we resting in Jesus?” The ultimate importance of the bedrock of Jesus on which we “rest,” and upon Whom we build our lives, is obvious. It is the Word of God (4:12) which provides the blueprint for the structure of our lives. The importance of considering God’s plans daily cannot be overstated. This blog should help us focus our attention on how we are building and then on the “rest” that is ours.
Christ Jesus, You are the Builder of my house, the place where I dwell. I’ve read, Lord, that “every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God” (Hebrews 3:4). I pray that I will rest 24/7 in the knowledge that You are my Foundation, my Builder. I need You! May I not be a “do-it-yourself” builder. I rest in 100% confidence in Your commitment to build my life as something of beauty for Your glory. I pray this in the Name of the Builder of Lives, Jesus Christ, Amen!!!
Yesterday afternoon Norma-Jean and I were invited to what the Crossroads team billed as a “TOWN HULL MEETING.” That’s a play on the name of our new Crossroads Global Chief Executive Officer, Dr. John Hull. Dr. Hull spent about 90 minutes answering questions from Crossroads employees. I marvelled at the wisdom and grace with which he answered each person. He demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the times in which we live, and He is committed to continuing to implement and grow the original vision and mission of Crossroads. Here is a short bio of Dr. John Hull from our Crossroads website. I have no doubt that Jesus is the Builder of John’s life and ministry. He told us that the focus of Crossroads will always be, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.”
At the staff gathering we honoured 10-year, 15-year, 20-year and 25+ year employees. Norma-Jean, our son Ron, and I had the privilege of posing for the picture (below) with our 100 Huntley Street Executive Producer, George McEachern (35 years on the team!) and Johanna Webster, who for 30 years has selected, booked, and cared for all the guests who appear on the 100 Huntley Street telecast. These are all people whose “house has been built by God.” It has been a huge honour for me to work with such wonderful people.
Yours for Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Remember He was a Carpenter, a Builder, the Builder of the lives of all of us who invite Him to construct our lives to His glory and purpose,
P.S. John Hull’s wife is down in Atlanta with family this week, so Norma-Jean invited him over to our apartment for a bowl or two of her famous stew last night. Our son, David Reynold, was in the area and dropped by to spend some time with Mom and Dad. Mother’s stew is his favourite! Norma-Jean took this picture on her iPhone (second photo below). You see John, my son and me with the bowl of hot stew just before we partook of it on a cold night outside.
Pastor Mainse,
As I read you blog every morning, I thank you for encouraging us how important it is to be always be filled with the food of life, “The Word”.
I would like to thank each and everyone at Crossroads for their hard work in getting the message out.
Mrs Maines that stew surely look good. God bless you all and a Merry Christmas to all.
After hearing how wonderful the stew is we are hoping the recipe will follow. .
Jesus Jesus Jesus
The sweetest name I know
Fills my every longing
Keeps me singing as I go.
Thank you once again Pastor David for filling us with the Word of The Living God.
Lovely pictures and a great looking healthy stew Norna-Jean.
Out of surgery a week now and The Lord is sustaining me and a little healing each day. My prayers are with my fellow bloggers as they are remembering loved ones who have gone on to their reward. May God cover you with His loving arms.
Blessings to all today.
Praise to Our Builder……..Jesus Jesus Jesus.
Blessings to you, sister Catherine!
You look amazing Pastor David!!!!!
That stew looks scrumptious!!!! Excellent choice for these cold nights and it is bitter cold this morning.
I have 2 prayer requests this morning:
1) A man by the name of Gordon Chambers who is having surgery for a brain tumor today.
2) My daughter-in-law, Patti, is expecting twins (boys) and there is concern about their sizes. One is getting more fluid than the other, so one is growing at a faster rate than the other one. She may have to be induced and she is only 30 weeks so I would covet your prayers on her behalf and for the babies.
Thank you so much!!
Father, we bring Ruby’s prayer request before you for Gordon having brain surgery today. Bring peace and comfort to him and wisdom and skill for those who will look after him during and after surgery. Give comfort to his family as they wait for news of a successful surgery.
We also pray for Patti as she carries the twins you have blessed her with. Oh Lord protect those little ones and give strength to the smaller one to progress, and we pray inducement at this time will not be necessary. Help those around Patti to bring comfort and look to You Father who has all things things in your Hands.
Bless you Ruby as you minister to these people.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!!
Could not say it better, so I will just agree with you with a very sincere Amen and Amen.
Praying in unison with Catherine and fellow saints. We hold up Gordon, Patti, and the twins within her womb. To our Heavenly Father, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and the sanctity of the Holy Spirit. We pray Your love will protect and guard, and heal and sustain them. We give thanks for the blessings of their lives. In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray, amen, amen, and amen.
Amen amen!!!
Thank you for your faithfulness to get Gods word out David, you look
terrific and the stew looks wonderful , thanks for 100 Huntley Street
And all the dedicated staff and I know Jesus is being lifted high to draw all man unto himself
Merry Christmas to everyone
God Bless everyone in Jesus name Amen 🙂
Praising our God, for this day,
That miracles abound, for everyone we pray.
We thank You, Lord, for Your loving grace,
Without You, we wander, with heartache and pain.
You are the King, to whom we pray,
For by Your sacrifice, we have been saved.
We bow to You, and give You praise,
Holy, Holy, Holy, as we glorify Your name!
Beverlee Kay,
c. Dec. 2013
Thank you for encouraging us to ‘rest in Jesus’.
Praying for Gordon and Patti, and the twins!
We pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus!
Christmas blessings to all.
Thanking God for the wonderful ministry team at Crossroads. God bless each and everyone of you. Wonderful pictures! They bring us all together as one family.
Yes, pray in agreement with you for Gordon and Patti. We place them in God’s hands and we will believe for a good report. Nothing is impossible with God.
Blessings for a Merry Christmas to all!
I also say “Amen” to Ruby’s prayer requests for Gordon, Patti and the twins. Let your loving and all powerful hand be upon them. Thank you, Lord for this blog and the sacrifice that goes into it, and I love your personal sharing and photos too, David.
Certainly in full agreement with you Ger. Amen!
We are into the stew now too. My mother who lived with us for 15 yrs used to make stew for us in August! (a great memory). We, however enjoy it in winter. We have an adopted twin boy (now man) born at 26 weeks. He is a delightful young man. I do agree with the other bloggers, however, that Pattie’s twins be in the best health by Our Father’s intervention. May God interviene also for the man with the brain tumor.
Hope, David, that the Dr’s have good news for you!! You’re looking well!! The greatest physician is at work!!
Merry christmas to all fellow bloggers too!!
Nancy xoxoxo
Beautifully written and inspired prose glorifying our Lord, Beverlee!
It is encouraging to see Crossroads progress, led by Dr. John Hull and the many devoted and long term staff. Great pictures! A dynamic “ministry of ministries” and service to a hurting world in need of one hope, found only in our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Blessings and cheer, to all!
Thank you David. God Bless!
Our Wednesday morning bible study group are studying in the Book of Hebrews, it is good to read your comments. We have just completed chapter 6, and will resume our studies beginning the end of January 2014.
Hot stew on a cold day, mmmmm
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to you and your family Rev. David Mainse.
Dear Rev. David M.
Thank you so much for sharing with us these moments of intimacy , it is so nice to see that wonderful smile of yours. What a faboulous crossroad ministry that you have built for after all it comes down to one person, Jesus our King , our Saviour . Keeping Gordon and Patti and her twins in prayers.knowing we have the Greatest Healer Jesus . Amen. Keep all nice and warm.
Blessed day everyone.
xxxx Carole.
Thank you for all your prayers. I will let you know when I find out how Gordon’s surgery went and Patti goes back to the doctor on Thursday. I know that we serve an awesome and powerful God who can do anything!!!! AMEN
Amen Ruby! We’re here praying powerfully with you to this end. God Bless.
Wonderful pictures, Bro. Mainse surely looks well, Praise the Lord.
Does the star over Ron’s head indicate a special touch for him. Really interesting.
God Bless all who get these blogs out every day. Such a blessing.