Suggested Reading: Proverbs 25
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![December 4, 2013](
This is a gold aureus of the Roman Emperor Tacitus (275/276 AD) minted in Rome. It was on display at the Davidson Center at the Jerusalem Archaeological Park. As in our reading today may be valuable like gold. Each day we mine for the infinite value to be found in God's Word. Like gold, words are our medium of the exchange of our thoughts.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 25:21-22
If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat;
And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
For so you will heap coals of fire on his head,
And the Lord will reward you.
Jesus said, “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory… [then this mighty King of the universe will say,] ‘I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you have me drink.'” The whole human race became God’s enemies when we rejected Him and went our own way. However, God’s love is so great that He entered humanity as a little Baby, grew into manhood, gave us teaching, and we, His enemies, crucified Him. When He returns, the first thing He will do is judge us as to how we’ve cared for the hungry and thirsty. Amazing!!! The least we can all do is help others in deep need, like the Filipino people in their current crisis. Here once again is a link and info as to how we can help. Our experience should be as if “coals of fire” were placed on us if we fail to respond to the needs we see around us. We deserve to feel the “heat” of judgement. Read Matthew 25:31-46 for a New Testament reading.
Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken is like APPLES OF GOLD…” Crossroads produced a movie by that title back in 1979. Part of the film detailed the atrocities committed by terrorists in Israel and beyond. Copies sold around the world and all proceeds went to help terrorist victims by procuring prosthesis for both Jews and Arabs in Israel and the Palestinian territories. It played first in the Jerusalem theatre and then for ten years weekly in major Jerusalem Hotels. The Crossroads Family of Ministries works hard as our partners (you) enable us to communicate in a wise way with words “fitly spoken” accompanied by powerful visual messages.
Lord God, I pray for You to put a watch over my mouth so that I will say only what You want me to say. By Your grace may I communicate carefully like those “apples of gold,” crafted with tender loving care. Help me also to do my part in caring for needy people. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!!!
I’m doing my blog here in Nashville, Tennessee. I must try to find my friend Rev. Jimmy Snow, son of the famous country singer Hank Snow and Pastor to the late Johnny Cash. Jimmy first introduced me to a senior’s discount at a restaurant here when I turned 55. Now, 22 years later, I’m here to meet with another great friend later today, Sam Moore. I’ve highlighted Sam’s vision over the last few days on this blog. If you missed the story of this great man, please click back to previous blogs. Over the years Sam has been an inspiration to me and I honour him highly.
Recently, the 100 Huntley Street daily telecast has featured a New King James Study Bible with Dr. David Jeremiah’s notes and commentaries. Thomas Nelson Publishers, the company that Sam Moore led for close to 40 years, has published this special edition of the Scriptures with excellent study materials and lots of excellent features. Here is a recent interview with Dr. Jeremiah about this new study Bible. Also, here is where you can purchase this new Bible for a Christmas gift! Good suggestion!!!
Yours for feeding the hungry, speaking words fitly, and for a new beginning in Bible study for the New year,
Communication may be a tool for great destruction or a soothing salve; the choice is ours to make. May the Lord be ever present in our sight ahead of us, guiding, influencing and instructing our ways. On our journey through life may we also be mindful of the ‘unbridled tongue’, that we might do and say what is pleasing and right in the Lord’s sight, so that we might win some to Him and also live an honest and righteous life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Amen! Wise word Scott.
AMEN Scott!!
Good morning David and all who read this….
The words are truly Gold… Much to be desired.. I wait for the 100 words to arrive in my inbox- devour it, meditate on the Scriptures in it, become convicted and encouraged… Then forward it to my husband at work…and he reads it!
Thank you again David for your love for Jesus and God’s Word , your obedience to the Holy Spirit and faithfulness to this blog!
Praying for safety in travel for you and Norma-Jean.
Good morning everyone! “This is the day that the Lord has made;we will rejoice and be glad in it.”(Ps. 118:24). Sounds like a great study Bible. Have a great day everyone.
“For as many as have sinned without the law will also perish without the law, and as many as have done Kuhn the law will also be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justifled; for when the gentiles who do not have the law, do nature the things in the law, these, although not having the law are a law unto themselves, show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men Jesus Christ, according to my gospel (Romans 2:12-16).” The Pharisees were masters of the law but they crucified the only one who spoke and did it perfectly. They new the words but not the Word.
“For as many as have sinned without the law will perish without the law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God but the doers of the law will be justified; for when the gentiles, who do have the law, do by nature the things in the law, they are a law unto themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel (Romans 2: 12-16).” Jesus did not do the Pharisees understanding nor hold to blind doctrine but had Truth. This is also what Paul preaches and it is not blind
Satan must love “smartphones.” The gentiles who do not have the law…”
…thank you David! Where I work we feed the homeless and less fortunate of our city. Just yesterday one of the regular street people came in and asked one of our outreach workers for some gloves, (I just happened to walk by as he asked) the outreach worker had on her coat and was heading out the door to do an errand, she took one look at him and promptly went to her office and found gloves for him. As you may know we are in a cold snap with the weather here right now (although not as bad as other provinces, happy to say). we are tested everyday in our lives and work, yes sometimes it’s hard and frustrating, but The Lord sustains us, and when we see one breakthrough, even if it takes months, then it’s all worth it.
35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.
It takes courage and a love to be in this line of service, Linda. May our Lord strengthen and equip you with every necessary provision while you attend those in need.
Have a wonderful time in Nashville David and Norma-Jean! We hope and pray you meet all those you plan to visit. The Christmas lights must be spectacular and the atmosphere charged in preparation of celebrating Christ’s birth! Moreover, the renewing of friendship and memories you share with Sam and Peggy Moore. I searched and saw wonderful pictures of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary honoured in their names and support. It would be a place we would love to see! Once again, I am so grateful for how we are all connected through this blog and how our lives are being changed! Have a great day, to all!
I heard a wonderful teaching on this passage once and it opened my eyes to be a blessing to all . In the time of Soloman it was very important that the home fires were keep burning and so one man was given the job of making sure everyone in the village had fire to cook and heat with so every morning he would go about the village with hot coals for sale in a bucket that he carried on his head (the buckets were so fashioned that they could not burn him) then his hands were free to use tongs to remove coals from his head and maybe the next house he puchase hot coal for his head bucket therefor always providing fire for his village. Therefore he was a village blessing so therefore to heap hot coals of fire on a head is a blessing. In others words it helped me see that God is a good God and only wants us to bless others Amen
This being our frist week of Adent I pray that this season you and I will have many opportunity to deepen out memory of God’s great deeds in time and will set us free to look forward with courage to bless other with Jesus, the fulfillment of time by Him who came and is still to come In Jesus name I pray
Thank you for sharing that. Sometimes sayings like that are not understood until one understands the history of the times those sayings were created.
This is obviously not what the verse means. The coals are a parable to pain or guilt.
In this chapter one verse I could not understand or part of it
verse 22 ” For you will heap coals of fire on his head . And the
Lord will reward you” what does this mean?
It sure is a nasty storm in Charlottetown P.E.I I am glad to be inside.
I pray for a safety in your travels David and Norma Jean
Lianne Hogg
Maybe David will answer but in case he is waiting for us, the apostle Paul also said that we should bless him who persecutes us and in doing so he will heap coals of fire on his own head. If someone sincerely blesses me without perversity and hypocrisy and I hate him still, God will not be pleased. God is powerful. Also, a commentary linked to the bible gateway says that it is a way to embarrass enemies. I think some perverse non-christians or false christians have learned this way as a tactic but there is a lot of wisdom in the practice of being blameless without it being only a tactic. I know that God is watching us. I have felt disarmed by true goodness. Also, I have seen some people who are tormented by it. It is not a way that I always practice but I know it is good when one can do it. Some very perverted people are my enemies and I have already seen what they do when they have a chance.
Dear Rev. David M. and Norma-Jean.
Wish you a blessed journey among your friends in Nashville with renewed strength .
Thank you Lord for the previlege and honour of being able to share and read daily Your Word . Let us not take this for granted , let us be able to spread the good news to all those who dont know you . Let us be Your Shining Light in this world of darkness So Lord use us as You wish until Your Return . Amen Amen .
Have a blessed day to all of you .
xxxx Carole.
A couple of years ago Jimmy Rogers Snow came to Cold Lake, AB where I live and I had the privilege of hearing him sing and give his testimony. What a wonderful experience and encouragement it was!! It was a small gathering so we all had a chance to meet him; praise God for Jimmy’s testimony and the way God has used him in Nashville!!
I agree with you Pastor David on the great pictures your son Reynold has been sharing with us. The group picture you shared with us with you and Norma Jean was exciting. I called Frank into my study to share how healthy you looked. I feel that our Father God is saying. Keep praying daily Elaine, see how I am answering the prayers of you, my child!!!!! Elaine T.