Suggested Reading: Proverbs 13
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Trevi Fountain is a fountain in the Trevi district in Rome, Italy. Standing 26.3 metres (86 ft) high and 49.15 metres (161.3 ft) wide, it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most famous fountains in the world. Competitions had become the rage during the Baroque era to design buildings, fountains, and even the Spanish Steps. In 1730 Pope Clement XII organized a contest in which Nicola Salvi initially lost to Alessandro Galilei -- but due to the outcry in Rome over the fact that a Florentine won, Salvi was awarded the commission. Work began in 1732, and the fountain was completed in 1762. It's good to have an appreciation of past artistic creations, buildings, etc. as we are now experiencing here in Jerusalem where I'm writing this. We can do this for our children's children (our key verse) by being creative in the inheritance we leave for them. It won't be a Trevi fountain, but it can be a unique gift of some kind.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 13:22
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children,
But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.
Let’s back up to yesterday’s blog, Proverbs 12, for an observation. Every one of us desires to be successful in life. Here are principles which will help us reach our goals: (1) Be teachable! – 12:1a (2) Ask God for wisdom and be wise! -12:8a (3) Be industrious! – 12:11a (4) Be a listener! – 12:15b (5) Be prudent! – 12:16b. The word “prudent” means well judged, making good decisions, sensible, and well advised!
Today we continue to read a litany of the results of our behaviour. Proverbs 13:7 may have been in the mind of Jesus when He challenged the rich young ruler to sell everything, give to the poor, and come and be one of His disciples (students). Jesus promised this young man that he would have treasure in Heaven if he sacrificed his worldly possessions. The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all carry this story (check out Mark 10:17-22). Mark says that Jesus loved this young man. I can’t help but wonder if perhaps this young man was Mark, himself. We know that his family owned the upper room where Jesus celebrated the last Passover before His death and where the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 people gathered in that room. I like to think that this youth whom Jesus loved did as Jesus said to do after the resurrection and ascension of Christ, and as our reading tells us, “One who makes himself poor, yet has great riches!”
Lord God, it’s a joy to consider the inheritance I will leave behind me someday. I pray for wisdom in the choices I make. May my legacy be a strong influence for You and for good in the lives of those who come after me. I ask this in the Name of Jesus, the One with whom I am, according to Scripture, a joint-heir of God (Romans 8:14-17). Amen!!!
This brings me to Proverbs 13:24, “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.” My how things change! When I taught public school, I was supplied with a regulation strap by the government of Ontario for the disciplining of my students. I understood that the word “discipline” comes from the word “disciple” (a learner), and I also knew that for learning to take place, an orderly learning atmosphere must be maintained. Yes, I used that strap once. I took the boys (who had locked me out of the classroom) into the cloakroom, closed the door, and the other children (grades 5 & 6) could hear what was going on. I never had to use it again. I had asked my Dad for advice in discipline. He quoted Shakespeare, “Consistency, thou are a rare jewel.” I wanted more advice, and he said, “That’s enough. Just meditate on that statement.” The message came through clearly. Speak once, make sure you are heard and understood, and then act if your instructions are disobeyed. It happened once to my son, David Reynold, whose photos are always at the top of the blog. I heard about this from all four of my children at dinner that evening. Mr. Murray Pipe, the elementary school principal, strapped him for a just cause (throwing snowballs in the playground!). To make an example of him, Mr. Pipe took my son into his office, turned on the P.A. system that was carried into all the classrooms, and Elaine, Ellen and Ron heard the unmistakable sounds of the strap…and then the recognizable sound of Reynold’s voice expressing his discomfort. Mr. Pipe was a wise man; it happened only once in the memories of our children and all knew that their principal was CONSISTENT!
Yours for all of us being what the school children here in Israel are called: “Talmudim.” It is translated into English from the Hebrew language as “Disciples,”
P.S. We are all “Talmudim” in our tour group here in Israel. Here I’m sharing the names and home communities of several “Disciples.” It requires discipline to receive the most benefit from such a trip. The two photos below were taken yesterday at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. Photo one, left to right: Lorne & Liz from Caledonia, Ontario – Ivet from Brampton, Ontario – Joyce from Kelowna, British Columbia – Doreen from Ottawa, Ontario. Photo two, left to right: Alysia from Mississauga, Ontario – Dolores from Edmonton, Alberta – Barbara & Stan from Elmira, Ontario – Joy & George from Stayner, Ontario.
Thank you once again David for your
faithfulness and discipline in writing
this blog which is a wonderful teaching
tool. The pic of the Trivi fountain is
beautiful…thank you for that piece of
history. Enjoy safety as a group as you
will be traveling home soon. I really
enjoyed seeing pics of the happy faces
and know that their lives will never be the
same. The Word of God, especially the
gospel accounts, will be exciting and real
now that they have walked the roads and
seen so much of the historical accounts.
God bless each one and all bloggers.
It is good to see the comments of the prudent. Many of the commenters show mostly praise and faith and in this I see discipline and “concealed wisdom.” He also has a reason for myself but I see the mature christian in the concealed wisdom.
As a mother of 4 (close in age), I had a way of keeping them in order when we were out. Once I took my shoe off and paddled one or more (can’t remember now)! After that all I had to do was wiggle my foot in my shoe and things settled down! With our adopted son, who came to us many years later, I cannot even remember needing to do anything. He was quite obedient. I guess he didn’t have others of his age to “egg” him on! They were great years. I can’t really think of what would be a good heritage gift to leave to my grandchildren. Any suggestions? (No fountains though) They (13 of them) range from 3 yrs to 24 years and are of several different nationalities. (Spanish, French, Cambodian, English).
Have a wonderful Sabbath in Jerusalem and please remember all of us fellow-bloggers who need healing in prayer. Love and blessings to all.
I was so surprised to see you make mention of Murray Pipe today! For many years Murray and his wife initiated and ran the “Newcomers Class” at the very church he helped to establish. I was one of the class members. Every Sunday he and his wife Mary faithfully sought to teach Christian basics to a group of 20+ so as to establish them soundly in the Christian faith. Murray was a fine, knowledgeable and friendly man of integrity who poured his life into his family, church and friends. I particularly remember his warm smile, words of encouragement and firm handshake (and apparently he had a way with the strap too, which to my good fortune, I didn’t have to endure during my time in his “Newcomers Class” .. haha!) Murray died almost 4 years ago. but his legacy lives on in the memories of those lives he touched for the Lord … and I trust those are many. I knew Murray for only a relatively short period of time, but I do know this … he wanted to make his life a meaningful statement, he wanted to effect others with the Christian gospel and he wanted his life to reflect that he stood on the solid rock of Jesus Christ our Lord. I miss Murray & Mary Pipe … they are both together with the Lord now.
My father and me were both licensed pilots and enjoyed many years of flying. One day my father presented a portrait of me flying which he had painted. I was surprised at the detail and the time he would have taken to do this. Dad has passed away now about 18 years. We have this painting hanging in our house. The value I place in this painting is in the appreciation that with each brushstroke, my father was thinking of me. In difficult times in our relationship I wondered how much I mattered. This “self portrait” today stands out to me more as a reflection of his love and thoughtfulness. It brings peace to the turbulent times we experienced in our relationship. In this I value. If we only knew the many hours our parents and grandparents may have spent alone, in prayer, for protection and guidance in our lives. Have a great day, to all!
A very touching story David. I’m sure that your father was very proud of you. My father was also a painter as well as a carver. Unfortunately this once articulate, creative, and imaginative soul now suffers from dementia at 98. Thank you for sharing David, I always enjoy your comments.
Thank you, Scott. I can appreciate how difficult it is with you fathers dementia. My mother passed away three years ago at the age of 78 with Alzheimer’s. Enjoy your comments as well and appreciate the thought you put into your submissions.
Dear Rev David Mainse, As you come close to the end of your beautiful journey in the Holy Land, may the Lord fill you with His strength, with all your loved ones around you and may everyone in the tour experience a supernatural revival of their faith in the one and only, Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
I’m heading off to worship our King, our Saviour.
Have a blessed day to all my sisters and brothers in Christ! I’ll be keeping you in prayer.
The legacy I leave are the memories I ve made in there lives of my children and grandchildren
Baking , cooking singing, and they tell me how grateful they zre that I taught them to cook clean and bake and they sing too I gave them all a CD of me singing
God Bless all the bloggers and tne tour group and the maines family
Hello Rev Mainse, for the past two days I have been copying and pasting the ” prayer for today” on my Facebook account. I just feel within me to help other people tap from the blessings I receive from this blog, but I do make sure to acknowledge you though. It just occurred to me that I probably should have asked your permission first before making such decisions. If it’s not too late sir, can I please continue blessing others with your daily prayers on this blog? Please and thank you:) God bless you sir
The last picture you posted of yourself looked really reassuring that your trip to the warm climate has been good for you. Our Sunday School teacher was told to spend some time in warm climate. Do you remember the fact that she is trouble with her RBC’s. Bye for now to you pastor and all our fellow bloggers. Elaine B
Hi Pastor David: I love the picture with you and the shepherd. You look very well. I love the blog. As I look at the pictures of your trip to Jerulsalem, I am reminded of our visit. We too went to the Garden, the sea of Galilee, Massada and Bethlehem. Oh how We would love to be on one of these tours with you and Norma-Jean. Your words and prayers on your blog are truly an inspiration. May God continue to build your strength, give you HIS wisdom so we can keep growing in grace as you so faithfully feed us on HIS word and your experiences. We are praying for you my friend, God Bless, Mina.
We need people like Dr. Phil (a Christian) a well known therapist on tv…..inflicting pain on children is appalling and even worse is a parent bringing up a situation that happened to his own child and the siblings laughing about the situation, and people call this love? inflicting pain on a child injures their physic and to bring it up for all to see and read, i find this very inappropriate. spare the rod and spoil the child with discipline…..there are many forms of discipline and teachable moments for children and others and it can be done in such a way that instills respect in each other and can be remembered as a valuable life lesson and not a time of shame! jails are over crowded with men and women who were shamed instead of being loved and taught to respect others as well as themselves. I find it difficult to understand that an adult can hit a child because they are a teacher and yet lament over abortions! Hurting a child is hurting a child. “Do unto others as we would have others do unto us”
Blessings and prayers to all 🙂 !