Suggested Reading: Proverbs 11
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Modern day Izmir, Turkey, is a major port on the Aegean Sea, off of the Mediterranean. The remains of Smyrna can be seen here. Jesus said about the church in Smyrna, "I know your works, tribulation and poverty, but you are rich!" (Revelation 2:9a). Jesus may have been thinking of the words in today's reading, our key verses! (Proverbs 11:24-25).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 11:24-25
There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right,
But it leads to poverty.
The generous soul will be made rich,
And he who waters will also be watered himself.
It’s difficult to pick some of the wisdom contained here when all of these words are of equal importance. Nevertheless, let’s consider four proverbs.
(1) Verse #1 – God is concerned about the butcher who weighs out meat with a thumb on the scale. “A just weight” is the basis of all commerce!
(2) Verse #14 – Do we want to make good and safe major decisions? Then don’t just take the advice of one person. Listen to several people. One person may or may not be trying to manipulate you into doing what they want, and not what is best.
(3) Verse #22 – “A swine’s snout” is so descriptive, particularly for Solomon, a Jew. Pigs are not kosher. “Discretion” is covered in our blog of November 17 (click here).
(4) Verse #30b – It is a wise thing to win souls to the Lord! But be assured that without wisdom in our approach, our body language, and our words, we’ll do more harm than good to the eternal souls of people, all of whom are of infinite value. Therefore, it would be good to read from James 1:5-8. Let’s go ahead and ask God for wisdom, and then win souls!!!
Dear Father God, there is much wisdom in the chorus which I pray now: “Lord lay some soul upon my heart, and love that soul through me. And may I ever do my part to win that soul to Thee.” In and through the Person and work of Jesus, I pray, Amen!!!
In leading the ministry of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. for many years, I have valued highly the counsel of our Board of Directors and CCCI Executives. When I think of major decisions I’ve made, I must expand that to include others in the decision-making process, as Solomon wrote, “a multitude of counsellors.” That would include many of my fellow employees and many supporters in prayer and in the giving of financial offerings. Also, thinking of “a lovely woman,” I want to thank my wife Norma-Jean, whose counsel has been wise, prayerful and loving. She has consistently shown “discretion.” My children and their spouses have given wise counsel. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Everyone who has had input into my life!!! When I think of decisions made that have brought CCCI to what it is today, I invite readers to check out the Crossroads website (click here).
Yours for reading the responses of a “Multitude of Counsellors” to this blog!!!
P.S. Here’s another picture of some of our pilgrims here in Israel. We are now in Jerusalem, but yesterday we visited Beersheba, the home of Abraham. One of the wells here, perhaps dug by Abraham, is over 200 feet deep. Ron, my son and Crossroads “Spiritual Director” read to us all from Genesis 21:25-34. Pictured here, left to right, are Rita & Tony from Burlington, Ontario – Donald & Louise from Alfred, Ontario – Bena (our tour guide) from Tel Aviv, Israel – Judy & Dave from Calgary, Alberta – Bob & Erika from Hamilton, Ontario – Marilyn from Calgary, Alberta.
Sometimes wisdom is found in the question … (quote by A.W. Tozer)
“What Christian when faced with a moral problem, goes straight to the Sermon on the Mount or other New Testament Scripture for the authoritative answer? Who lets the words of Christ be final on giving, buying, selling and other important matters?”
Amen to that, Scott. All to often one can be to quick to answer the question!
To keep the secrets of people who plan evil does not seem wise or good. “The desire of the righteous is only [to do] good.” This seems to be a good guide to acting wisely. Do I want to keep a secret that will cause evil to a victim for the perversity of the lliar, theif, pedophile and sadist? So, we should have judgement and conscience to do what is right. The law said do not work on the Sabbath but Jesus healed a man on the Sabbath. He had judgement to follow the spirit of the law above the letter of the law as Paul told us we should also understand and do. In this, he who uses the bible to his own interests will not fool us easily or for long and then should we keep his secrets? Maybe not!
Amen to that Brad:)
In agreement with you, Brad. It is not only immoral but criminal to keep such “secrets” as child abuse.
Looks like nobody will mess with your tour guide, Bena! Looks like everyone is having a wonderful time! As wise counsel is inclusive, it amazes me how our Lord uses others to speak the wisdom we need to hear, shedding colour to our views and perceptions. As we have seen, dictators and single minded authoritarians never succeed in the long run. Our life, how we have dealt with success and failure, our humbleness and contriteness of heart, are all messages we share as we share and witness our belief in our saviour, Jesus Christ. So much more than words can be found in our testimony. And, as souls with changed lives, we can share with those whom can identify our transformation by the renewing of our minds in Christ Jesus. Have a great day, to all!
I looked up something about the seven churches in revelations on Wikipedia and read that the Word “Logos” is called “the Wisdom of God” and is the second person of the Holy Trinity. I know that the second person is Jesus. Also, “The Word of God was made flesh.”
Thank you !!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Brad and Scott for your great words of wisdom. Oh yes, ”the Word of God was made flesh”! So Lord, teach us daily discernment, prudence, guidance that can only be reached through The One and only, Jesus our Saviour, our Redeemer. Amen!
Dear David M and everyone in the Holy Land: keeping you all in our prayers.
Blessed day, everyone!