Suggested Reading: Psalms 60-63
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Al Khazneh ("The Treasury") is one of the most elaborate temples in the ancient Jordanian city of Petra. Like most of the other buildings there, this structure was carved out of the rock face. It has classical Greek-influenced architecture, and it is Jordan's most popular tourist attraction. Psalm 60:9 asks the question, "Who will bring me into the strong city? Who will lead me to Edom?" This is Edom's strong city, Petra. (the rock)
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 63:1-4
O God, You are my God;
Early will I seek You;
My soul thirsts for You;
My flesh longs for You
In a dry and thirsty land
Where there is no water.
So I have looked for You in the sanctuary,
To see Your power and Your glory.
Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,
My lips shall praise You.
Thus I will bless You while I live…
There are four Psalms in today’s reading. They describe four ways to pray. (1) “RESTORE us again!” (60:1b). — (2) “Hear my CRY, O God” (61:1a). — (3) “Truly my soul SILENTLY waits for God” (62:1a). — (4) “O God, You are my God; EARLY will I seek You” (63:1a). We are encouraged to pray prayers with meaningful content; to pray with fervency; to wait patiently on God; and to seek God first thing upon rising in the morning! Is that good counsel? Amen!!!
The words, “Wait silently for GOD ALONE!” (62:5a) focuses our attention on “GOD ALONE!” The only ultimate answer to life’s questions is in God. Our only refuge, security and peace are found in Him ALONE! The sooner we realize this truth, the sooner we will find real personal peace and security.
First of all, Lord God, I bring You praise and worship! —— I’m presenting my petitions to You with fervency and urgency in my cry to You! —– I’m waiting silently in Your presence —– I’m doing this first thing this morning! You, O Lord, are my #1 priority. Amen!!!
I awakened this morning about 15 minutes before my usual time to rise, read the Scripture portion for my day, spent time in worship and prayer, and then wrote 100words.ca for my own spiritual uplift and for all who care to join me. During that time, while waiting for my digital clock (it projects the time onto the ceiling), I did as King David said to the Lord, “I remember You on my bed. I meditate on You in the night watches” (Psalm 63:6). I thought of God’s goodness to me personally, to my family, to my blog friends and to the ministry of Crossroads. At my age (77), continuity and growth in the ministry to which God called me is of vital importance! I thought of the amazing plan of God in bringing Dr. John Hull to Crossroads to lead us moving forward! My loyalty to him is at the 100% level and will remain there as long as I live. I invite everyone to check out the Crossroads ministry online and to pray for the team daily. This is a great movement worthy of the support of everyone who loves and serves God! Amen!!!
Also, it’s almost 6 a.m. and I’ve begun to sing Psalm 63, verses 3 and 4. Why not join in as a great choir. God will hear us all from all over the world, and put our joyful noise together in the courts of Heaven as beautiful harmony (click here for this song by a precious little boy).
Yours for “God ALONE!”
Beautifully stated David. It is in God alone that our fount of strength should be sought for He alone has the ability to redeem and renew the soul. When we’ve come to the end of ourselves, we need only to call out to Him with sincerity of heart, fully trusting that God will hear us and will act upon our plea. Pray, for God is able, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
“You alone are worthy! You alone are worthy!
You alone are worthy of all our praise.
Father we adore You! Give all glory to You!
You alone are worthy of all our praise.
Lord of host we bow before You.
Worship and adore You.
Magnify your name.
Hallelujah. You alone are worthy of all our praise”
Thank you David for setting our priorities straight in today’s blog. Life gets jumbled up otherwise. Also, thank you Reynold for the clear and amazing photograph of Al Khazneh!
“Your loving kindness is better than life
Your loving kindness, is better than life
My lips will praise You, Lord I will bless You
Your loving kindness, is better than life”
The words, perfect! Being sang by a little boy, Amazing! Thank You Lord! You always give me a sign somehow when I tend to put other things other than You first in my life. The dreams I had today were no good. Lord, like I always say, my spirit is more than willing to serve You but my flesh is a huge opponent, but with You Lord, I know I can win the toughest battles! ” for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but agains principalities and power”. Lord!! Please help me stay closer to You, Help me put You first, help me Do Your will, help me love and serve You the right way! And help me hunger and thirst for Your righteousness, please Papa! I CANNOT DO IT ON MY OWN! I NEEDED YOU, I NEED YOU, AND I WILL ALWAYS NEED YOU! Thank You Papa for answering my prayers , Amen!!!
Yes Lord your praise shall continue to always be in our mouth ,forget not all his benefits , I will bless the Lord at all times , without Him we can do nothing ,
Bless the Lord
Blesss the Lord all my soul
Praise His holy name
For He alone is worthy to be praised
Thank you Lord gor all you have given us
Thank you that no man can pluck us out of the Fathers hand
Praise your Holy Name Lord Jesus Amen
Father God
I rekindle my spirit, I know you want me to spend time with you
and I want to . I need you, and its hard to find my quiet time I try
then but I get busy. I did right a journal once as you have seen
me. I do know why this happens I start and then . I….
Do you want me to start one again I know its probably going to
end up the same way..help me Father God
in Jesus name
Father God, You are my rock and my salvation. May all I think, say and do today bring Glory to Your name. There is none like You. May Your presence be with all of us as we follow this wonderful blog. This I ask in the precious name of Jesus.
Amen and Amen!
Amen! And Amen!
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee;
Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and Mighty!
God in Three Persons, blessed Trinity!
I have been greatly encouraged by my blog buddies praises this morning, may the Lord be praised forever, Hallelujah!
Thinking of the song, “In Christ Alone”. He is the only one in whom we can place our trust to help us to please Him on earth and take us to heaven. Am going to the fourth funeral tomorrow in two weeks. Well said, David M. and fellow bloggers. These psalms show us the real contrite heart of David and why the Lord said,” He was a man after His own heart.” Yes, His lovingkindness is better than life; and a precious little boy. Realize that more when we put Him first. God bless you David M, family and fellow bloggers.
It is so wonderful and encouraging to read the praises and prayers of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on this blog. Fellowship is more than social time, it feeds our soul and on this site I am so bless to experience true fellowship with all of you. As you know our Lord does not expect conformity in the Body of Christ, just unity- having our minds and hearts set on God’s Kingdom come. So yes, I join all of you in praise and give all glory and honour to Him who is truly worthy, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
My Lord knows the way through the wilderness
All I have to do is follow x2
Strength for today, is mine all the way
And all I need for tomorrow
My Lord knows the way through the wilderness
All I have to do is follow.
Thank you Lord for loving us more than we can measure, and the great sacrifice Our Saviour Jesus made on our behalf at the cross. May we hear the Spirit leading on the path you have for each of us, and give strength and courage when we falter, knowing your loving arms are waiting for us.
Blessings on this beautiful day in Ontario.
How precious are the little children!! thank you David for giving us the privilege
to sing together with that precious little one!! and for your guidance in prayer.
Terry McCallum sings that song early in the morning We lift our voice in praise ” … the most amazing worship song is just absolutely perfect thank you for bringing that to mind blessings
Praise God for this wonderful place that we can share our hearts so freely cordis good all the time just curious if this is Irene Oconto from Edmonton this is Molly glass ‘s daughter just like to know thank you
Thank you for your faithfulness in writing these 100 word blogs. They have inspired me and encouraged me. The precious little boy that was singing on today’s blog was wonderful. Blessings!
Love all wonderful comments today, I’m so blessed by this blog,. God surely is or sustainer, His loving kindness is better than live Amen……R…
Be exalted O’ Lord…we will sing praise to your name…O’ Lord…open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise..come…let us sing for joy to the Lord…let us shout to the Rock of our salvation…Come, let us bow down in worship…let us kneel before the Lord our God, our Maker…Praise the Lord O my soul; all my inmost being praise his holy name…from the rising of the sun to the place it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised!
So many psalms showing us how important it is to praise and worship and give thanks to the Lord. As Sherry wrote: “Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty, early in the morning, our song shall rise to Thee…”
Dear Rev David M. and precious fellow bloggers
Last night something amazing happened at our weekly Bible study in our church . After half an hour of singing , worshipping , giving thanks to Our Lord each of us came with our personal prayer request , as I was about to share my concern for my neighbour whose mental health has detiriorated at a very alarming rate one of my fellow sister in Christ burst out crying mummbling that her niece 17 years old was under suicide alert and then my caregiver sitting beside me turned around looked at me and said to me Heavenly Father ,You are incredible always in time at the right time for Carole has in her purse a cd two books inside teen suicide and why they die who were supposed to be given to our young youth councelor but will now be directed to Ruth for her niece and all the family in need of desperate comforting and hope and what better hope than Jesus Himself through The Word. So thank you David M . , Jerry Johnston and Don Simmonds . You are truly Gods vessel in spreading the greatest news of all HE IS ALIVE and able to do much more than we could even imagine .
Blessings to all of you
xxxx Carole
Wonderful! There is always so much more to His ways than we can ever imagine