Suggested Reading: Psalms 57-59
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

In the Nazareth Village synagogue, an actor plays the part of a first-century rabbi reading from a Scripture scroll and leading in the worship of the only true God, the God of King David.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 57:7-11
My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and give praise! Awake, my glory! Awake lute and harp! I will awaken the dawn! I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing to You among the nations for Your mercy reaches into the heavens, and Your truth unto the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be above all the earth!
King David was definitely not shy in giving voice to his worship of God, not only among his own people but “among the nations!” His court would have received many ambassadors from other countries who would witness his worship of the One and only true God. Perhaps they took David’s songs back home with them.
Twice David declares, “My heart is steadfast!” (Psalm 57:7). This kind of confidence in God is never ashamed to worship Him in public. Twice David writes of some people who “growl like a dog!” (59:6,14). No wonder people in rebellion against God growled when they heard David worship so enthusiastically. Even David’s Queen, Saul’s daughter, despised her husband because of his dancing before the Lord (2 Samuel 6:16).
May we who claim to love and serve God never be shy in proclaiming His “GLORY”!!!
Lord God, my prayer is about You! May You “BE EXALTED, ABOVE THE HEAVENS; LET YOUR GLORY BE ABOVE ALL THE EARTH!” Amen!!! And may I do my best to make sure this is happening 24/7. Amen!!!
I remember well returning from Calcutta in the early 1970’s, determined to raise child support for 1,000 needy children. I purchased four hours of TV time on the Kingston, Ontario, CKWS TV station, on a Saturday afternoon for this purpose (Toronto was too expensive). For the first half hour the phones in the studios weren’t very active with sponsorship calls. Then, with great concern, I prayed for guidance. I believed I heard that still small inner Voice of God say, “David just begin to worship and praise Me right here on live television.” So I stopped asking the viewers for their calls and closed my eyes, lifted my hands, and began to say, “Hallelujah! Praise You Lord God! I worship You! Blessed be Your Name! You, O God, care more then we ever could about these precious children in Calcutta!” I continued this praise and prayer for several minutes. As I did, I heard the telephones beginning to ring. They never stopped ringing for the duration of our live telecast. The goal was met! I turned the names of those who called over to Rev. Bill Newell, Canadian Director of World Vision. This started World Vision using TV to raise sponsors. I’ve never been shy to praise and worship God on television since that time. Please join King David as we together say privately and publicly, “Praise You, O Lord, among the peoples!” (Psalm 57:9a).
Yours for a steadfast heart when in the presence of growling dogs!
P.S. I must take a few more words to point out the contrast between some of David’s words and those of his great-great-(etc.) Grandson, Jesus, who was born in David’s city, Bethlehem. David had some light on the truth of God’s love and mercy. Jesus taught, “Love your enemies.” Please join me in reading Matthew 5:43-48. David did not have the great privilege, as we have, of reading the longest recorded message of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount.

At our prayer lines in the "100 Huntley Street" studio, downtown Toronto in the mid-eighties on live television! Many people were led to Jesus over those phones! Like King David, we praised and worshipped God boldly and openly. This continues daily. Almost 10,000 telecasts later God continuous to be exalted in this witness of God's GLORY! "We beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth!" (John 1:14b)
Praise God for His great majesty, He indeed alone is worthy to be praised! I think on the many different ways that we can praise the Lord and I think it’s wonderful thing to offer Him praise and worship. However it ‘s really the sincere and pure heart of faith that truly pleases Him, the heart that simply trusts and reaches out for God and for Him alone. To know Jesus personally is to know the heart of God and the very essence of His love. Seek Him out while you can, He’s not far from each of us.
Very True Scott I agree that we should
David I think I have a video of 100 Huntley street in the 70″s -80’s must take a
look at it . You and Norma Jean must have alot of good memories
Have a wonderful day David and Norma Jean and your families
Lianne Hogg
I worked at World Vision in the 70’s and saw you come in. I believe we were on Consumers Rd at that time. When we suddenly went on to television, I was over-whelmed. It was so successful that I had to program our wordprocessing computer to run overnight to get thank you letters out to the donors. I believe I also had to take a few days off because of exhaustion! A great problem to have! I know ther are scriptures that elude to the discription that God lives in the praises of His people. I am at McDonalds just now and I don’t have access to my notes but I do know that this is an accepted view. Do you remember the book – From Prison to Praise? I believe true praise brings us into His Presents.
Very True Scott I agree that we should
Have a good day today
Lianne Hogg
Thank you, David, for this morning’s blog. I join you in praising the One and Only True God. “Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus Our Blessed Redeemer. Hail Him, Hail Him, Jesus the Crucified ….. ever in joyful song. Christ is coming over the world victorious. Power and glory unto the Lord belong.” As I take on this day I will be singing this song – thanks to you. You have been such a great encourager all down through the years. God bless you, Norma-Jean and your precious family.
Hi David, So enjoying your 100 words——it is amazing for us to read about you and NormaJean celebrating 55 years this year for us will be 37 years together & 33 years of Praising Jesus. You and Norma Jean have had a very powerful spiritual influence on us even though our personal times together have been very precious and unexpected.
Do you know if the original painting of the “healer” is still owned by Crossroads? this amazing image still continues to touch the heart of the folks and we would be interested in hearing what has happened to the original artwork.
Love,blessings & healing to you and Norma Jean
James and Joy
tel 778 265 2461 in victoria,bc.
Praise Ye the Lord! Halleluyah!
Containing the joy we experience in Christ by not sharing, can be at the very least, repressive. Yet, there are ways we can share when others are open to hearing. Our Lord opens these doors and opportunities with everyone. The old addage, “what is caught is better than what is taught” is important and invites opportunities to share when others are willing to listen. Jesus and the apostles were able to sit and dine with many types of personalities and points of view, still sharing the gospel message. Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then to the Gentile.” Have a great day, to all!
Amen to you all….May the mercies and blessings of God be sufficient for us all and may He help us to never stop praising Him or compromise our faith for anything in this world. Stay blessed my Christian Family
We r so grateful to have free expression of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and we can praise Him anywhere all day long praise you father for all uou are doing and all that you give yo us espcially the cross We can never praise you enough for the blood that will never lose its power Amen and Amen
Praising MY SAVIOUR all the day long! This morning I knelt (a little difficult) to read the Psalms and then was led to shout them out loud with hands held high! Wonderful Saviour we have!!! It felt great!!
Thank you Pastor David, Norma-Jean and all the Huntley family for your continuous work in getting the Word out to the world.
Blessings and continued prayers for all the requests. This is the day The Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!!!
Praise the LORD oh my soul, for He alone is worthy to be praised. Shout to the hills and sing a new song, to the King of Kings, the most Holy, the most High. May He be highly exalted among the nations and on the earth. Hallelujah!
Shout to the Lord
Dear Rev, David M, and precious fellow bloggers
As I rush now for our yearly walk of all the different associations and volunteers that are helping the enormous needs of our local suburb that extends needs for elderly ,home care ,mental illness , food bank physically challenged , cereberal palsy arthritis , cancer and our little group blessed with adapted sailing . Thanks to all the funds of different companies supporting the causes .
Pray that this will be an oppurtunity for me to witness of my deep love for Christ knowing that everything good that I have including adapted sailing a wonderful husband of soon to be 37 years of marriage ,wonderful daughter and a son who have been so caring for me through many years of physical challenge . So Lord through the power of The Holy Spirit let me be able to show your Glory in Jesus name Amen.
God bless you all
xxxxx Carole.
Amen and Amen
Amen and Amen sister
Thank you David for the wonderful example you have set for glorfying GOD and Jesus on 100 Huntley Street. What a privilege to have this broadcast in Canada over the years and I am so proud of the team at Crossroads as they continue into our modern world glorfying and praising our LORD. Thank You Jesus! Amen
Psalm 22: 3 is the verse that I was thinking of re: the scriptures mention that God lives in the praises of His people and I used the completely wrong word to say that God lives in the praises of His people. Elude is certainly the wrong word. Exude might be a little better but not right either. I think I will use “points” to! Sorry for the great error.