Suggested Reading: Psalms 9-10
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![September 13, 2013](https://100words.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/September-13-2013.jpg)
Even the desert is marvellous to behold as you travel throughout Israel. Looking from Israel inside Timna Park, you can see on the distant horizon the mountains of Edom. This mountain range is now part of the Kingdom of Jordan. Jordan is not a wealthy country and yet because of the disaster of middle east political and moral realities, Jordan has had to care for millions of refugees. Let us do whatever we can to help!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 10:17
Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear.
Yes! God will cause His “ear to hear.” Let us make personal the prayers found in our reading. Here are examples of what we may say when we pray. The shepherd king begins his prayers with praise and worship. He writes in the first two verses the four actions he is taking. For our devotional exercises today, why not meditate on these statements, expand on them, and do as it says.
The cries of the needy stand out! David speaks of “the oppressed,” of people in “trouble,” of “the cry of the humble,” of “the needy,” of “the poor,” of “the helpless,” and of “the fatherless.” Let us name before God the names of people we know personally who may fit these descriptions. Most certainly those in war-torn lands where it seems that human cruelty knows no boundaries.
Let us never forget that Jesus issued a press release in advance of His second coming. The words this King of the Universe will utter when He will sit on “the Throne of His Glory” have to do with way we have, or have not, cared for the needy (see Matthew 25:31-46). We pray fervently and then we are moved to help God answer our prayers. Amen!!!
“Arise O Lord! Do not let man prevail” (9:19a). “Arise O Lord! O God, lift up Your hand!” (10:12a). “Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may oppress no more” (10:17-18). Amen!!!
Today I am here in Charlotte, North Carolina, for a meeting of the Board of Directors of Crossroads USA. I’m praying fervently that God will release the vast potential of the wealthiest country in the history of humanity, for His purposes, in a greater way than ever. I pray the same for my country, Canada. May God give us wisdom and may He be Lord over every decision. I pray for our Chairman, Don Simmonds, for our Chief Executive Officer, John Hull, for our Exectutive Director of Crossroads USA, Jerry Johnston, for our Chief Financial Officer, Ken Pellisaro, and for each Director. May God’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Yesterday, the Chairman of our Boards of Directors, both in Canada and the USA, spoke with our new International CEO on the 100 Huntley Street telecast. I encourage all my fellow bloggers to check out their conversation (click here). Please pass this on to anyone who you think might be interested. I believe that God is more interested in His cause here on earth than all of us put together could ever be! Let’s pool our resources and get the job done! Amen!!! Billy Graham lives here in North Carolina. He’s now 94 years old. The prayer in our reading is “Arise O Lord!” Billy surely arose with God and did his part magnificently. Now it’s our turn to “Arise” with the Lord, and do the job that He has called us to accomplish!
Yours for reaching a needy world with His love, His provision, and His Gospel,
P.S. Billy Graham appeared several times on the 100 Huntley Street telecast. Here’s a picture from 1978. That day he challenged Canadians to experience a great spiritual renewal and thus bless the whole world. His associate, John Wesley White, is a Canadian from Saskatchewan. For years I’ve considered John a member of our team as well as a member of Billy’s team.
I was particularly struck by Psalm 9:10 this morning and I think it worth repeating :
“And those who know Your name will put their trust in You;
For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.”
This is a promise to all who put their faith and their trust in God. To those who yearn to know Him personally, who seek Him out, God will not cast aside. We who believe, put our trust in God who loves us, who counts us worthy, who desires to be in relationship with us. We most fully know God through the revelation of His Son, Jesus Christ, who also promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us, this is why He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth until that time when He comes for us again. Our God will not forsake us, we trust in Him alone to sustain us in our times of pain, trials and temptations. God, through the power of the Holy Spirit will be there for us; only call out to Him in faithful prayer and He is surely to answer.
It is comforting to know our Lord’s promise is to ALL who put their trust and faith in Him. Yet, we were all created so differently, with the SAME hope and assurance.
Lord, may we ever be mindfull of those in need. Equip us with the desire to BE available emotionally, physically and spiritually, whether it be a phone call, visit or any support we are capable of providing. Help us to manage our time to be available when other’s need someone to listen, empathize and care, in the guidance of our Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Open for us, in our minds, a channel of prayer, that we may come before you throughout our day and speak in your presence to discern Your still small voice. Thank you for the tremendous work being accomplished by Crossroads and the effective leadership You have provided. Our Lords peace, strength and protection to all!
Yes Lord thank you for Crossroads for being the hub of all the other programs that come out of her and thank you that you turn the geers to keep it rolling farther and farther in this world of hurting homeless devistated , people in , need of your precious love and thank you that you are the vehicle of love being carried across the lifelines of communication to help everyonr who hears the gospel message and be drawn by the Holy Spirit to you in Jesus name Amen
Call to me and I WILL answer and show you great and unsearchable things that you do not know. Jeremiah 33: 3 Let us call.
That old picture of Pastor David, Billy Graham and John Wesley White on the old original 100 Huntley Street telecast is, I believe, from June 1978, the week Rev. Graham made a series of nightly appearances at Maple Leaf Gardens. I had just turned 13 and my life was literally in pieces. My mother wanted to see Rev. Graham and she dragged me downtown and we sat in the very last row way up at the back. The evening seemed to last forever. I was bored and too young for the proceedings, yet somehow the message Rev Graham delivered clicked; he spoke of faith and how it was manifest in our day to day life, even blindly….and not to go blindly into eternity. The next day I looked back at the evening and mentioned I’d be willing to go down to listen again. I remember wondering why I volunteered that, but I did and we went again. The message of Salvation had been firmly implanted in my mind….and something about it resonated in my thoughts over the next few weeks. Not long after my mother invited a local youth pastor over to see me (behind my back) and we gelled. That same day, in August 1978, I accepted Jesus into my heart. Thank you for that picture Pastor David. It took me back 35 years and reminded me of a time I remember so well. We serve a great God, and regardless of my shortcomings or how much I stumble, He is ever faithful.
amen and amen to your prayer David
Lianne Hogg
Yesterday was the first day that I did not see Helke (Helge?) post. A million words can’t get God’s attention more than a pure heart.
The same verse is meaningful to me, Scott. Was praying for the destitute in the Middle East earlier. The Lord give you strength, David. Thank you fellow bloggers for all your input today.
I attended Edmonton, AB World Compassion Society “Celebrating Hope” last night “Terry and Jason Law” shared their hearts for the lost and what has been accomplished through their ministry in the middle east and now in China…Praise God for men like them! and like you David Mainse and the ministry that is continuing because of your initial vision for the lost.
May God continue to bless and encourage you and heal and strengthen your body I pray in Jesus Name.
Irene, Amen to that wonderful prayer ! May the Lord’s will be Done In our lives always…Amen
Thank you and God bless you One and all!!!!!
Dear Lord , as David M. joins crossroads USA may The Holy Spirit guide each and everyone with complete clarity marching together all for Gods Glory in Jesus Name Amen.
God bless you all .
xxxx Carole
Thank you for that inspiring prayer David Amen ,amen ,amen….R…..
Amen! brothers and sisters