Suggested Reading: Job 32-33
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A young boy at Nazareth Village working in the carpentry shop. Nazareth Village depicts what life would have been like for Jesus in the first century AD. Jesus, while still a boy, learned His trade in a shop in Nazareth. The Carpenter's hands are still at work in our lives.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Job 32:6-7
So Elihu, the son of Barachel the Buzite, answered and said: “I am young in years, and you are very old; therefore I was afraid, and dared not declare my opinion to you. I said, ‘Age should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom.’…”
Elihu tells us he is about to give Job his opinion (32:7). We have in Scripture not just someone’s opinion but TRUTH! Again in 32:17 Elihu says he’s full of words, his opinions. Sounds like our radio and television talk show hosts today. Let’s check out our opinions to make sure they line up with the wisdom of the ages given in the inspired Word of God! We can form our opinions by comparing Scripture with Scripture. For example, Job 33:20-21 refers to our physical health. Read Psalm 107:18-20. It surely sounds like anorexia, but there is healing promised, “He sent His Word and healed them.” There’s healing in the Word we study every day. Also, before forming a final opinion about Job, consider 1 Peter 1:7, where we learn to rejoice, “That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, might be found unto praise, honour, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
A correct understanding of suffering does seem to be beyond our human capabilities. It does not occur to Job’s friends or to Job himself that his sufferings are not evidence of God’s judgement on Job, but rather a means of expressing God’s confidence in Job. In gaining an understanding of the sufferings of believers, we may want to read further in 1 Peter 4:12-19.
Lord Jesus, I am thinking of Your sufferings on the Cross, not for Your sins, but for mine. I pray that I will, more and more, show a truly genuine and constant repentance for my sin. As You said to the woman who was accused of adultery, “Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” Grant me grace, I pray, to live as You lived Lord Jesus! In Your Name I ask this, Amen!!!
One Sunday morning, shortly after giving my life to Jesus and receiving the assurance of Salvation, I learned a new prayer song in the Pembroke church: “O to be like Thee! O to be like Thee! Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art. Come in Thy sweetness. Come in Thy fullness. Stamp thine own image deep on my heart” (click here for this song). O how my heart longed for His purity. Tears would flow down my cheeks as I sang this prayer. I’ve just sung that several times as I pause at my computer keyboard. Tears still flow! When we see Him someday soon, “We shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2b).
I’ve been involved in creating several different television shows throughout the years. The first one was the weekly Crossroads telecast back in 1962. Then there were children’s and teen’s shows, the daily 100 Huntley Street ministry, documentaries, open-line shows, senior’s shows, etc. There is a new series I keep thinking about creating some day, particularly as I read Job. It could be called, “Opinionated Old Men!” I ran the idea past my friend Claire Hoy, a long-time Toronto newspaper columnist, and he thought it had potential. The odd time we could bring in a younger man like Elihu who thinks he’s an expert.
Please keep me in your prayers. I tend to be like the man of whom it was said, “He jumped on his horse and rode off in all directions.” I cried earlier. Now I’m laughing!
Yours for God’s truth to become much more evident in our opinions,
When there’s seemingly no logical or reasonable answers to our questions on pain and justice, there’s hope. For it’s when we come to a human end to our desperate situations that we may view both the humanness of a suffering Jesus upon a cross and see the glory of God in the risen Christ; it’s at this very intersection that we find faith. Although it sounds too trite or too simple for our human reasonings, Jesus Christ IS the answer. He is our hope in this world today, He is our faith for any existence beyond this realm. Jesus alone is our life! Amen!
Colossians 3:4 (NASB)
“When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.”
We know we all endure suffering to some extent, at various times in our lives. The test of our faith is our ability to press on in the light of Christ, in these circumstances. Our minds can be cruel to us when we are weak. To rejoice and pray may be our greatest ally. To pray and know God’s hand is on our life and our souls, as we cope with any pain, anguish or suffering. When reading scripture, one can witness all have suffered. The survivors are those whom have placed their hope and lives in the trust and care of our Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
Brother David, its so true that we get control of that unruly member, as the Bible says the man who has control of his tongue is a perfect man, every time I got in trouble was when I said something I should not have said, ie put my mind in gear before I put my mouth in motion. hopefully we learn from our mistakes and not offer an opinion unless its the mind of Christ. look forward to reading your blog each day, Bill Walsh
David thank you for your faithfulness each morning in sending your blog! I think that your idea about a new show would be very interesting! It seems to me that the saying can hold true! Sometimes the chickens can learn from the eggs if we humble enough to consider their suggestions! I think it too courage for young Elihu to speak his thoughts to the older men! The young see things in a different perpective! Blessings to you David! 🙂
When you go on the internet there are thousands of different message boards and blog sites with comment sections, like this one, for people to express their opinion. Opinions by their very nature are neither wrong or right, they are just someone’s perspective on a given situation. I notice on these boards, not this one, but others, so many people being cruel and nasty to people who offer an opinion different than their own. Opinions are not facts,although some do try to use facts to support their opinion.
When our Lord taught he didn’t give his opinion– he stated fact. He didn’t say I think the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed– He said it was like a mustard seed. Big difference there between I think and I know.
Opinions have a place in any society that values free speech and honest debate on any topic, but opinions should never be confused for fact or for truth. Well at least that is what I think in my humble opinion. LOL.
Hello. The “IF” poem I have is quite long and the first verse says:
If you can keep”the faith” when those about you
Are losing it and seeking something new;
If you can stand the firmer though they flout you
As being simple, and old-fashioned, too:
Does anyone have that poem? Or the author’s name?
God bless.
Ger if you go back to yesterday you will see the “if” poem was written by Rudyard Kipling in 1894. You can click on and get it. Enjoy your day. Keep getting stronger.
Thanks for the good laugh at the end of your blog today David Mainse!
Hi David, l have been with many wonderful Christians who have had to endure terrible suffering. In weak moments, they have confessed, they wonder if God doesn’t love them. l have seen their lives and know they are precious in his sight as they faithfully served and loved Jesus, who paid for their redemption on the cross, with his own blood! Suffering! Who can really understand it! David, you are helping more people than you know to cope with their disease, seeing that even good and godly people walk this difficult road. Thank you for your courage!
Hi David,
Just stay on that horse and keep on riding.
Dear rev.David Mainse
If there is one christian this past year who has been able to show us daily what suffering for Gods glory is all about it is you with the daily blog.
Thank you David M.for your faithfulness and yes do ride on that horse and keep on riding.
Have a blessed day sisters and brothers in Christ,
XXXX Carole.
Thank you so much for your dedication to provide this blog each day. I have found it very helpful. I appreciated the song you included today. The words certainly express the desire of my heart! May God continue to give you the strength that you need for each new day – your ministry is valued highly! “As your days so shall your strength be.”
David: I too, am laughing. We don’t laugh often enough. We are too often used up in the sorrowful things of this world. I think that Jesus, when He was in fellowship with His disciples, would laugh long and often. O to be like Him!!!
Thank you David M for your your sense of humor as well as your wisdom that you so faithfully share with us. I agree with those above …that you just stay on that horse and keep riding… have so much wisdom to share no matter which direction you ride off to. 🙂
Amen, David and fellow bloggers. Thanks, Catherine. The poem I started is a different one than the two David posted. Yes, your are a good example of perseverence through suffering, David.
Trying to be like Him is a daily struggle that we will no longer have when we join Him in the sweet by and by, but… (that other very meaningful conjunction that often offers sweet meaning in the Bible), He gives us grace moment by moment according to the measure of His unfailing boundless love! Halleluiah what a Saviour!
I don’t know if this will be helpful– I too find it difficult to be like Jesus, so instead of trying to be what I can’t be on this side of the grave I shift my focus from trying to be like Jesus to treating everyone as if they were Jesus. If the driver in front of me cut me off was Jesus would I swear at him? If the child next door that just picked my prize roses was Jesus would I yell at him? Not only do I find that easier than trying to be like Jesus– it is the best way I can express my love for Him to Him, because when I treat everyone as if they were Him; I am doing what He called me to do– which is to love.
It is good to be able to discern opinion from fact. Many people when talking about the history of the earth call opinion or theory fact. evolution; 60 million year old dinosaur fossils; the origin of life. They do this with huge fantasy and call it fact. The christian knows the truth from faith and also from God, Himself. Christians, when talking of the ways of God, have the Holy Bible to support what we believe. If one of us is wrong in a matter, we have the Truth written to show where we are wrong. Also, God is evident in our consiences so we can also appeal to this. Faith is rewarded with knowledge. The source of this knowledge is not believed by those who make war with Jesus. When I write comments here, I often write with knowledge from what I have read in the Bible and by personal experience. Though, there are times when I presume the reader or listener will know the biblical reference and so I do not quote it. Or, for example in the fact that faith in Jesus and His Father leads to knowledge, I know this for fact from personal experience, but the specific scripture, I am not sure where it is. This could be an example of the truth of God being in what I say but maybe not evident to all that hear or read it. It would be if I looked it up, and quoted it, but I would need to log out to find it because I only have access to the bible on the internet (with an older style cell phone) at the moment. This, though, may be what you mean by God evident in our “opinions.” the blessings and comfort to people with an illness make my words seem like tinkling bells today but I know they are true. Just further on the periphery than the person who gives comfort to the broken hearted or the ill. Yet, Jesus Word from you and from the commentors is more comfort than browsing news on yahoo.
Thank you David…I too replayed that song as it ministered to my heart, and that is my desire…”O to be like Him”
Thank you for your example of standing firm in your spiritual walk; in particular this time of testing
Not to understate the value of this blog by saying it is just any alternative to something like yahoo, comparing the two, one nourishes; the other rarely nourishes but is like cookies for a meal every meal. Not very nourishing most of the time.
Dear David: Two weeks ago I was driving to the Cataraqui cemetery to fix us my Dad, Brother Bob and cousin Georges gravesite. As I drove in, the men were there digging the hole for our tombstone, in the family plot. Although I had ordered our stone, I didn’t expect to see this happen right in front of me, it was an eye opener that this life is truly short and eternity is long. Right after that visit to the cemetery, I was rushed to emergency with fever and severe head and back pain. I had been suffering for two days and cried out to God, pleading for some relief. Things can happen so fast, I couldn`t help but think of Job, scraping his sores, feeling all alone, questioning God. I think if we are all honest with ourselves, during times of great pain and stress, when we reach out for the Lord and no answer seems to come, that it`s then, we cling to HIS promises and find He is faithful. Even though the pain was great, and they thought I had meningitis, I had a deep peace inside. Watching you my dear friend, as you go thro your own trial, your smile, your faith, your incredible love for Christ always shines thro you. You are a great inspiration David and your courage I know comes from God. Rev. 22:4 says that HIS servants WILL see HIS face.. On headstone, I had the words NOW WE SEE HIM..FACE TO FACE
As I lay on the bed in emerg. I was wondering, how soon it would be before I saw HIS face. Our pain will never compare to our Lords pain. Our lack of God,s presence in our darkest trial and our loneliness is nothing compared to the rejection Jesus felt as He cried “MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME. Yes David we know God is always there because He promised Never to leave us or forsake us. So if any of your bloggers are going thro a time of suffering, feeling …where are you Lord?, Remember, Jesus has been there before us and as God was with Him, so God is with us. Keep smiling David because you will never know how many time Our Father has used your kind spirit, loving heart and beautiful smile to encourage us/. We love you and continue topray for your blog, bloggers and you. God bless you David, Your friend, Mina Ryce