Suggested Reading: 1 Corinthians 3-4
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![The Corinth Canal is a canal that connects the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea. It cuts through the narrow Isthmus of Corinth and separates the Peloponnesian peninsula from the Greek mainland, thus effectively making the former an island. The builders dug the canal through the Isthmus at sea level; no locks are employed. It is 6.4 kilometres (4 miles) in length and only 21.3 metres (70 feet) wide at its base, making it impassable for most modern ships. It now has little economic importance. The canal was envisioned in classical times and an initial effort was made to build it in the 1st century AD, but the project was aborted. Construction finally got underway in 1881 and was completed in 1893.](https://100words.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/February-21-2013.jpg)
The Corinth Canal is a canal that connects the Gulf of Corinth with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea. It cuts through the narrow Isthmus of Corinth and separates the Peloponnesian peninsula from the Greek mainland, thus effectively making the former an island. The builders dug the canal through the Isthmus at sea level; no locks are employed. It is 6.4 kilometres (4 miles) in length and only 21.3 metres (70 feet) wide at its base, making it impassable for most modern ships. It now has little economic importance. The canal was envisioned in classical times and an initial effort was made to build it in the 1st century AD, but the project was aborted. Construction finally got underway in 1881 and was completed in 1893.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 3:1, 3
And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ…for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?
“Behaving like mere men?” Jesus said to Peter, “You are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men” (Matthew 16:23). A paraphrase of that is, “You think like men think and not as God thinks.” God’s Word is the expression of His thoughts. To think and behave as God would think and act, it is of ultimate importance to stay consistent in reading and meditating on God’s Word. God has called and equipped pastor/teacher servants and put them in the pulpit of your local church. We need this ministry gift. God put these people in our home congregations. Some of us unwisely run after big name ministers, or even think we can grow in our Christian life without the local church. If we think that, we’re wrong, and we, our families and friends will suffer negative consequences.
As I think on today’s reading, it occurs to me that indeed, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Paul’s pen penetrates deeply into our innermost beings. The church of Corinth provides an understanding into what eventually became our many denominational divisions. Paul’s has cut away (ouch!) at our careless attitudes toward those things that are harmful to the temple (our bodies) in which we live. Overeating, smoking, etc, etc, and laziness or failure to work hard. All things which harm us are dealt with. It may be repentance time right now!
Allow me this personal prayer today…
Lord God, I repent of my laziness. Recently, I’ve twice slept beyond my early morning prayer time. Please help me as I grow older, and have certain physical challenges, to remain faithful to the disciplines to which You’ve called me. I can’t do this on my own. I need Your supernatural strength 24/7. I believe with all my heart, mind and soul that You will impart Your grace to me at all times. Amen!
Several years ago, one of my fellow ministers introduced me to a book by Campbell McAlpine called, “Alone with God.” The author points out that our spiritual maturity is determined by the answer to this question, “How well do I know God?” He goes on to ask, “Do you believe your spiritual growth is commensurate with the time you’ve known God? Have you neglected the means of growth? What adjustments do you believe are necessary in your life to correct this?” I had a call yesterday from a person who is reading through the Bible with the 100words reading pattern. She said that she had read through the entire Bible once before, but could not remember reading of the horrible crimes recorded in the last chapters of Judges. My response was that in an attempt to read quickly, our eyes often glaze over and our minds go into neutral. Thus the extreme importance of a well-ordered reading schedule. The two year program will make sure that we don’t miss anything and that our minds will stay sharp each reading time.
Yours for finding that rare jewel, according to Shakespeare, “CONSISTENCY,”
David you stated that “God’s words are an expression of His thoughts”, a statement with which I totally agree. If we are to begin to get close to understanding the mind of God (which I’m sure is an immeasurable task), we need to dwell and meditate on the things of God. God’s word encourages us to have the mind of Christ by : Attending and participating in regular worship, personal prayer, bible reading & study, perhaps reading a good Christian devotional or book, and watching wholesome TV such as CTS or 100 Huntley Street 🙂 . If we take the time and effort in getting to know the Holy Spirit who lives in us, He will reveal to us and give us more of the mind of Christ and we will more and more conform to His image. Not that we would become God’s ourselves (perish the thought) but we become more Christlike in our character and in our outlook, thereby having a greater love and compassion for all. I personally love this daily reading and blog, it makes my day, get’s me centered in Christ and gets me started on the right foot. Put on the mind of Christ today!
Absolutely. Well said, Scott! Amen!
Amen, Scott.
So very much enjoy your daily posts David!
As I read and study each morning and see the pictures posted it brings back to mind, over and over again, the wonderful trip to the holy land with you and Norma Jean a few years ago. Thank you. Thank you.
You are a true man of God ! And I, for one, look forward to reading, studying and praying with you daily via your blogs….regardless of when they arrive.
Blessings to you.
I think we have all been guilty of skimming over things that seem very harsh but when we prepare to meet God through His word and ask the Spirit to guide I know I seem to understand more and stay focused. David your prayer I too personalized this morning but Our Saviour knows our weakened conditions when we are facing illness. Some days are harder than others and I pray He will infuse us with His strength to overcome. Rest in His arms as I must some days. Blessings to all.
God bless you, Catherine! My prayers continue to be with you!
Catherine, my heart and prayers are with you.
It is certainly a challenge to question our motives and be honest with ourselves about our weaknesses, which are spiritually, mentally and physically harmful. Are we given to wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy or gluttony. To what degree of any? I too pray your prayer David, and ask for forgiveness and strength, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to acknowledge and then act to overcome 24/7.
I thank our Lord each and every day for His Holy Word which He makes so readily available to us! And. I thank him for you David our teacher!!!!!!
Dear David – I like what you write . But sometimes what we don’t say speaks loudly . Let me give you a simple illustration . Sitting in a Sunday school class at Easter time , the Sunday school teacher was explaining Easter to us 6yr olds . She explained how Jesus was crucified on Friday , rested in the tomb on the Sabbath , and arose on the 1st day of the week Sunday .
If she hadn’t have said the 1st day , I wouldn’t have clued in to the scroll of the Ten Commandments right beside me . staring me in the eye , was the fourth Commandment the 7th day Sabbath . I asked the Sunday school teacher why don’t we go to church on the 7th day ?
She gave me all the rehtoric Iv’e heard ever since .
But my Bible , every time I open it , says the same thing .
Of course David , it would only be a result of the Holy Spirit opening our eyes to this truth .
Likewise , if I’m basing my salvation on my obedience to this , or any truth , except by what Jesus did on my behalf , and my acceptance of this , I’m on shaky ground .
God Bless .
1 Corinthians 3-4 speaks so clearly. I agree with David’s comment, that it calls us to be honest with ourselves. Reminds me of my favourite line by Oswald Chambers in ‘My Utmost for his Highest’, Shallow and Profound, November 22nd: “Make a determination to take no one seriously except God. You may find that the person you must be the most critical with, as being the greatest fraud you have ever known, is yourself.”
Two things David Mainse commented on this morning really stood out–needing to read the bible more slowly and to stay centered in our own churches. I also commented that I have read the bible before, but never noticed the brutality to women in the end of Judges 18. That is why this blog has been especially crucial for me because it takes us through the bible more slowly and with clear direction from you, David, and fellow bloggers. Thanks be to God for providing the right timing in my life that I may be slowed down to see more clearly and grasp the deeper meaning to His Word.
The key verse in 1 Corinthians regarding envy and strife and division among us fits in relation to our churches. It is so difficult when we encounter people in our churches who are sinning, themselves; for instance, lying directly to us, and then not coming accountable to us, themselves, and God. It is not easy when we are hurt by other members in our church. We can’t get caught up in divisions with others and keep focusing on the problems and hurt between us. We have to focus on ourselves, being accountable to Him and putting time into our relationship with God, before our relationships with others will be right and the genuine example of forgiveness that Jesus taught will actually work. God is pointing out that we have the same character flaw, i.e. lying to others, that needs to be corrected within us. As Oswald Chambers refers to–the greatest fraud is ourselves. The scripture verse (don’t have time to look it up) Matthew? about seeing the log in our own eye comes to mind. Hoping other bloggers will help fill that verse in for me, here.
Only when we are in deeper relationship with Him are we able to grasp the truth about ourselves. That is the point when we realize those we are in conflict with at our churches are really gifts God has given to us to help us figure it out. When we are carnal, we keep getting wrapped up in the hurt of everything and fail to rise above it. Seemingly a wonderful similarity to Jesus, rising above.
Wishing everyone a blessed day!
Thanks again and again for yourwonderful insights.,
Beverlee, and David daily Amen , but for your special prayer this morning that makes you so honest and wonderful! Our Lord has gifted so many of you with the gift of encouragement!
Thank you, Beverlee kay.
Dear David ; It is so good for me to be reminded constantly of the disiplines i so often omit from my daily walk. Thank you for those reminders each day almost. Good for you, and good for me. In Christian Love, John
David, thank you for this daily devotional. I pray for healing for you, according to His will!
I ditto the comment from Beverlee Kay … may God continue to give you strength as you continue this project. You have been so faithful in your service of years and I don’t believe you would be condemned for having a few lazy days to sleep, rest and regain strength as you felt the need to repent in your personal prayer. Thanks for your daily encouragement!
David, May God Bless you richly. You are truly an inspiration. Thank you for so great a love that you continue to share your widsom with us on this blog. May you be assured that the love GOD instilled in you has touched many,
Discipline, consistency, commitment…..with so much demanding our attention in todays cultire, it can be challenging to set and make time for scripture reading. I love this daily blog for that reason. It helps one to slow down and stay consistent. In fact I come to this blog a couple of times each day to re-read what you have written David as well as any bloggers who may have come along after my first visit.
I too, have read the Bible a few times, but have never had a study that even comes close to what you are providing for us David. Bless you for hearing this call and ‘doing’. Your comments of the verses, your prayer, and your personal sharings help keep one consistent, focused and growing.
I have found over the years that reading the scriptures aloud helps me slow down and stay focused and to not ‘skip’ ahead,~ reading but not really seeing.
Some scripture I wonder why I need to read all this, such as with the begats, but I remind myself this is God’s love letter to us, therefore He has a purpose for each and every word, ~ each word was important enough to him to write it down, so they therefore they all should be read.
David, listen to your body. If it is calling you to sleep a little longer some mornings, please do so. It is facing such a challenge and has needs of a bit of extra rest. We all will be here when you do get your blog posted! 🙂 We love you David, and your sleep and health are more important to us then you having to have this blog posted exactly by 6 am. Keeping you in prayer for strength and peace and extra hugs from the Lord as you go through your day.
sorry…I got an extra ‘they’ in there when I wrote ‘therefore they all should be read’
I like that, Wanita–God’s love letter to us! I agree with you about David not worrying if the blog is posted at 6 am; that is his commitment with God, not sure he sees it the same way we do. However, the point of expressing our love for him is important for us. Bless you, Wanita!
Still following along, David. I just had a long blog written and lost it all. Your blog is inspiring and challenging, David which is good. Saying, Amen to all the blogs. An learning some new things in 1 Corinthians as the Holy Spirit reveals truth to me. God bless you, David. So far, God has helped me deal with my own snow removal and we have had lots of it in the Maritimes lately. I couldn’t manage without Him. Have enjoyed all you bloggers’ replies.
Dear David, my heart and prayers are with you. I pray that God will give you the strength and encouragement you need for every moment of the day. I thank you for your daily sacrifice of doing this blog it a sweet smelling savor to the Lord and a fresh breath of His Spirit to us. I thank God He is our comforter Psalm 94:19 says “In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight my soul” David we love you.
Thank you again for your inspiring blog David. You are a wonderful man of God and a great teacher. I also appreciate all your personal stories of how God ministered to you and used you over the years. Beverlee Kay, the reference you made in Matthew is in chapter 7, verses 1 to 5, which is all about judging others, verse 5 is strong “You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye”. Our tongues can cause so much hurt and destroy people through gossip. Only God can help us tame the tongue, and I do want Him to,
Thank you, Marianne. That is the scripture verse I was referring to and gossip is indeed the exact word that explains the hurt.