Suggested Reading: JUDGES 3
(click scripture link to read online)
![February 5, 2013](https://100words.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/February-5-2013.jpg)
Tel Lachish National Park. According to the Bible, the Israelites captured and destroyed Lachish for joining the league against the Gibeonites (Joshua 10:31-33), but its territory was later assigned to the tribe of Judah (15:39) and became a part of the Kingdom of Israel.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Judges 3:9, 15a
When the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the children of Israel, who delivered them: Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother….But when the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for them: Ehud the son of Gera, the Benjamite, a left-handed man…
Every year Israelite parents were to bring their children to Mt. Gerizim (Shechem) and show them the stone of witness on which was written the summary of the commandments which Moses, and Joshua after him, had given in his final words to the people of God (Joshua 24:27). We can be confident that Caleb’s nephew, Othniel, the first Judge, saw that stone, and then Ehud, the next Judge, also got the message written on that stone. There was always a remnant of the people who were faithful to the God of their fathers, but they may have been silent, not taking a public stand for righteousness. When they did stand up, God stood up for them. Our reading today lets us know that there were, in total, 26 years of serving foreign rulers and 120 years of freedom and prosperity.
Thank God that the Spirit of God is still calling brave and godly leaders. Let us rally around and support them as they lead us in evangelism and in strong growth of God’s people, the Church.
I join the Apostle Paul and ask You, Lord God, “May Israel be saved” (Romans 10:1). There is a modern remnant of those who seek to do Your will, and thousands of Israelis who believe in Jesus, Yeshua, as their Saviour and Lord. In these times when destruction looms over Israel, may the people cry out to You as they did in the times of Othniel and Ehud. In Yeshua’s Name I pray, Amen!
I’ve had the opportunity of spending much time in modern Israel. God’s purposes there are underway. Two former team members at Crossroads are leading one of the churches in Jerusalem. Wayne and Ann Hilsden are in my prayers consistently. Their congregation, known as King of Kings, is strong (check it out here), as are many congregations in Israel.
Biblical names are common there, such as, Ehud Barak, current minister of Defense and a former Prime Minister who negotiated the Oslo accords for which I had great hope. However, this effort was not successful.
I’ve entitled today’s reading after Eglon, King of Moab, who lived in a rebuilt Jericho, known as “The City of the Palms.” It’s a gruesome story, but that’s war. I’m interested in archaeology and Eglon’s palace has been found (here’s a link if interested – scroll down to find the section on “Judges” then the subtitle “Eglon’s Palace at Jericho”).
Also, I initiated the placing of a stone of witness at the Crossroads Centre in 1999. A link to a video of the stone’s dedication is here. I encourage the reading of the Scripture on its plaque (Jeremiah 6:16). May it serve God’s purpose as did the stone of witness in Joshua 24.
Yours in support of God’s leaders who serve God’s cause with boldness and wisdom,
History speaks…will we listen? These are wonderful stories brought to us for one purpose, to reveal the handywork of God and to draw us closer to Him. God has spoken, He has revealed Himself in our history. We only need ears to hear and eyes ro see. Lord, we give thanks for Your revelations to us, which is found most fully in Your son Jesus. We offer Him praise this day and always, in full and certain hope that one day we too will be found blameless to enter into Your glorious and everlasting kingdom which we can know now, in part, through a personal relationship with yo
with you …. Amen. (sorry about the cutoff)
Amen, Scott!
Thank you Scott, blessings!
Amen, Scott!
It is interesting that repeatedly, Israel turned to worship other God’s, and when they did, our Lord handed them over to other Kings, other leaders. Israel would then call upon our Lord for help and a deliverer was raised. I once heard a definition of insanity to be, continuing to make the same mistakes in life, which we KNOW produce the same results. Thank God for reaching into our lives and delivering us from vicious cycles.
The people of Israel are definitely a perfect example for us to learn by. In general, we are too afraid to follow God and allow Him to lead our lives for His Glory. We call to God when we need something; follow the world and its leaders; backslide, and fall into sin. But our God is faithful, and delivers us when we cry to Him.
1 Corinthians 15:58 (NIV)
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
I will continue to pray for our leaders that they let Our Lord Jesus lead them!
Judges is amazing. The people of Israel needed a leader, provided by God, to keep them on the straight and narrow, or they fell to sin, immediately. Each time they cried to God, He helped them, provided a new leader, and their land was at rest for decades. The cycle continued, over and over again. Who are the people of Israel, without their God? They do not keep from calling to Him, now. Who are we, without our God? We must keep Him in our lives, each moment, of every day.
Have not caught up yet but wanted to make sure you saw this thank you. re Dec 23rd and 24th so posted here.
Thank you for making me laugh! That photo of the camel all decked out to greet people is magnificent! I set it as my desktop yesterday and grinned every time I looked at it. He just looks so darn happy!
And regarding the comment about multiplying your horses
pt II – And regarding the comment about multiplying your horses
Thank you for the horses and all the ranches! A ranch like one of these changed my life!
Good Morning!!! Thank you all for the encouraging replies, the words from Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing, came to my mind at I read today scripture. Prone to wander Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Here’s my heart, oh take and seal it; seal it for Thy courts above. God is righteous and good,to Him be all praise, honor, glory and power forever!!!!
Amazing Grace! And what love God has for His people. Am praying for the salvation of Israel and I thank God I had the privilege to be at the opening of King of Kings in 2004. Am learning a lot already in Judges already. Thank you, David.
Dear David and fellow bloggers
wanted to share with all of you a wonderful note sent by King of Kings ministries via twitter 40 minutes ago :
unless the WORD decends from the HEAD to the HEART it wont keep us from SINNING it may even ENHANCE the SIN OF PRIDE .
God bless you all
p.s. could one of you explain to me the principal of first fruit
Today I listened to Rabbi Jonathan Cahn speaking at the prayer breakfast back in Jan for the president of the United States.
I wept and I cried and I rejoiced and I repented.
I dance to
In the spirit
God’s power redeeming and changing
His presence ever cleansing.
I am Canadian, born in BC and I have lived here all my life.
I was and have been convicted and determined to pray for the nation of Canada.
Ever since David posted about the Hope Center and the Promise Keepers and how they pray for the nation.
I want to pray also but I want my heart to be clean.
To learn how to pray more fervently.
I have prayed before many times but now I want to learn more about prayer and how to pray effectively.
I would like to apologize and repent of my attitude that would have hurt individuals or other bloggers by my statements.
I esp. want to apologize to David and to the fellow bloggers for any offence that might have come from my sharing on this blog.
First of all the blog belongs to David not me.
I was convicted when the Rabbi spoke again about the unborn Children.
Their blood cries out to the Lord
I never thought of it that way but I knew the little ones were in heaven.
I always used to think of the women and how horrible they felt for the decision that they had made.
One Christian song that I listen to speaks about how we want to save the trees but kill the children.
I don’t know who sings it but I agree with their statement.
I think, no I know, that I have become complacent as a Christian,
That I have become apathatic and the Lord is drawing me back.
He is merciful and I want to remain humble before Him
King David sang
Create in me a clean heart
O God
and Renew a right spirit in me
Restore unto me the joy of my salvation
and Renew a right spirit within me
God’s word also declares that when we repent and humble ourselves and pray God will come and heal our Land.
I would like that to happen.
The Rabbi spoke of being bold.
Claiming your mantle
Humbling yourself
Believing God
Praying in the Spirit and praying according to God’s word.
Of course it is for the nation of America but I can claim it for Canada
I/We cannot compromise anymore b/c so much is at stake.
I sometimes forget that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against spiritual things in high places.
So once again I apologize and repent of my attitude.
I want my heart to be clean before the Lord.
I have been singing all day long
Soon and very soon we are going to see the King.
So David, Norma Jean and the workers at 100 Huntley St.
Fellow bloggers I want to come along side and pray as well.
Believing and learning God’s word and claiming God’s word of our nation of Canada
Learning and repenting along the way.
So blessings upon u David and Norma Jean and family when u go to the Mayo Clinic
May God bless u and keep u
May His face shine upon u
May His hand hold u fast
May God collect all the tears that u have shed David when u prayed for this nation of ours and stood in the gap and may those tears return to u as the balm of Gilead
10 fold in their healing power.
Your eternal sister (whether u like or not):)
In Christ
maybe I answered my own question many months back when I wondered why there were so many different denominations(sp) is we all serve the one true God.
Maybe it is b/c of misunderstandings and attitudes like mine.
I know the church in Corinth had many problems.
The Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast Guest … – YouTube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mhRBOKb_6I25 Jan 2013 – 35 min – Uploaded by airsoftmaster417
At the Jan 21, 2013 Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn made a much more …
I forgot to include the link.
I am not sure if I am doing this right but I know if u google
Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast
Keynote Speaker Rabbi Jonathan Cahn on youtube
The whole speech/prayer/warning comes up