Suggested Reading: Romans 16
(click scripture link to read online)
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Key Verse: Romans 16:16
Greet one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ greet you.
Our reading today should be a great encouragement to all of us who serve the Lord in any capacity, particularly to those who work behind the scenes and receive little attention. Be assured that God pays attention, and so do wise leaders like Paul. This letter to the believers in Rome was written from Corinth where Paul’s partners in ministry and in tentmaking were Aquila and Priscilla. Do you remember them from the book of Acts? They, along with Phoebe, probably carried Paul’s letter to Rome, and then served as missionaries to Rome. Phoebe’s work was key to soul winning in Rome. She had been entrusted with social service among needy people. Paul knew she would need the help of others to accomplish the call of God on her life. We all need help. The “holy kiss” speaks of genuine affection one for another. Only as all of us serve God and each other will the cause of Christ flourish. The book of Joshua, which we begin tomorrow, God willing, will continue to emphasize the need to work together.
Lord Jesus, thank You for Mary, who is mentioned in verse 6. She laboured much for Paul and the team. This Mary is a VIP to You, Lord. Please help me to labour much to serve also. Please guide me to those You want me to serve. In Your Name I pray. Amen!
The summer I turned 20, with the help of others, I initiated a series of tent meetings in the village of Chalk River, Ontario. That led to planting a Church in a local hall. I had not yet met my beloved Norma-Jean, and I was working on my theological studies by correspondence. My Dad gave me back-issues of the Nazarene “Preacher’s Magazine,” and from it I learned how to construct my sermons. I lived in one room built on the side of the house where the Leach family lived. I thank them for their kindness to me. I was eating my own cooking from Monday to Saturday, and the Stan Thomas family took me to their home every Sunday for dinner. That lasted until I went back to college in Peterborough a year later. Mrs. Thomas, Doreen, was what we called a “war bride”. She met and married Stan in England during WW2. What a great cook! These are two families I think of when I read Romans 16. Thank You to everyone who has helped me through the years. Syd, who gave the first $300.00 to start us on TV in 1962, and Sharon, the teenager who made the first pledge of $5.00 per month to support the TV outreach. God has recorded the names of all others who have served as Partners of the ministry. If I could, and if it was appropriate, I’d greet you all with a “holy kiss.” I’ll try to greet each one when we meet in Heaven, if not down here.
Yours with deep gratitude for your partnership in ministry,
P.S. I don’t have a video attachment for today, but this painting is worth 1000 words. Behind the hungry lion, a tiger is about to emerge from beneath the floor of the Colosseum. This scene speaks volumes to me about my commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Timothy 1:11 (NLT) “I Thank Jesus Christ our Lord, who has given me strength to do His work, He has considered me trustworthy and appointed me to serve Him.”
It really is all about being a servant in this world, dying to self and becoming a new creation in Christ. We are all a part of His plan. Whether the the gifts that God graces us with to His service are small or large, He will use them all to fulfill His purpose. Imagine how a $300 gift to start up a television ministry has flourished into the “Crossroads Ministry” of today, it hardly seems possible. But someone believed, was moved to action and God blessed. It only takes faith as small as a mustard seed, as Jesus said, and a mountain could be moved! Do we have that sort of ‘mountain moving’ faith today? In Jesus’ name, bless someone, it could change their world today, and you may be doing something much larger than you know in God’s overall plan.
Well said, Scott. Amen!
I agree Scott well said
Lianne Hogg
Thank you, David Mainse! You are a holy kiss! Your faith, servitude and dedication have brought so many of us to know and claim Christ as our Saviour. We have been so blessed by you and all the saints who have worked together with you in the Crossroads Ministry.
I can only imagine that the Christian martyrs who faced the agony of such an horrific death as being eaten alive by hungry lions and tigers in the ancient Roman Colosseum, would have been clinging to Psalms and Proverbs.
“The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Psalm 18:2
“The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death.” Proverbs 14:27
In Jesus is the victory!
Good morning David
Thank you for doing God,s work and sharing with us daily and so faithfully. I totaly agre with Beverly reply.
His Blessings to you and family with prayers for your healing in JESUS NAME
Zeljko — here from the park .
It is wonderful how our Lords love, working in and through us, opens our eyes to recognize the unique strength and service of others. And, how we all fit together for His purpose. To share the praises and appreciation for the service of others efforts and contributions, has been in abundance throughout the years in Crossroads Ministries. I have been amazed how David greets others as though they are the most important and interesting persons in the world. A true gift in and of itself!!
David truly is an ambassador of God, isn’t he? We are so blessed!
Amen to that!
Our Creator is always ready to assist us. The voice of God guides us in every situation as we are open to it through prayer, meditation, and simply having a conversation. We are One with God and through this union we can always allow God to speak through us. Phil. 2:13. What a wonderful exhilarating experience. God’s faithful Love abides forever!
Today’s scripture passage is a great reminder of how we are interconnected in the body of Christ.Ephes.5:19-21 says,
“speaking to one another in psalms,hymns, and spiritual songs,
singing and making music from your hearts to the Lord
giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the
name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the
fear of Christ.” Phil.4:19 says And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
I say Amen to all the replies today. Your obedience and dedication have truly brought a blessing to so many people David. This blog is such an important part of my day and I am learning so much. I had my picture taken as part of a tour group in front of the Roman Colosseum in 1970 and have often thought of what went on there with the Christians; also visited the Catacombs. It is good to be reminded of what price some people pay for the Gospel. Am praying for you health David. You are an inspiration to keep going.
Loved your personal words, David!
In Scotland once, Andrew Murray of the late 19th century, “asked a godly worker what he would say was the great need of the Church, and the message that ought to be preached. He answered very quietly, and simply, and determinedly”:
“Absolute surrender to God is the one thing.”
(quoted from Murray’s book Absolute Surrender).
You, David, after some years as a born-again believer, at the age of 20 yrs., gave up trying to live the christian life and experienced that moment of absolute surrender … by which you received a God-given revelation of grace.
Many genuine Christians in churches today believe they have been saved by grace, but lack joy because have never received that revelation of His grace for their daily walk … which comes through complete surrender. They’re trying and naturally failing, over and over, thus experiencing guilt/shame/unworthiness, etc.
Galatians says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!”
It is living the resurrection life which brings the freedom, joy, guiltless conscience from the assurance that forgiveness at the cross covers ALL our sins … past, present and future!
It is Christ in me, my hope of glory!
The Christian life is not difficult … it’s impossible.
It must be Christ living His life in me and through me as I learn to let Him do it!
So thank you for that message to all your many faithful readers!
Marg Knott
Thank you Marg, your message is such a wonderful Blessing! It’s very true what you say that the Christian life is not difficult but impossible. Amen to that!
Dear David and fellow bloggers
As a newborn christian todays gospel reminds me so well that each of us have a roll to play in making Jesus our wonderful hero to everyone around us. I am so grateful to be getting this precious daily food and wish to soon be able to share it with others who are so in need of it. Looking very much forward to the book of Joshua. All to Gods glory in Jesus Name. Amen
David I just want to say how thankful we are for how God has blessed you and your dear wife Norma Jean over the years in using you for such an encouragement through Crossroads and the all the news media that goes with it. I know you will have a great reward laid up for yourselves in heaven and you deserve it. We continue to pray for your ministry and asking God to use it mightily in these last and closing days of time. We are also praying for your healing. The Lord richly bless you and all the gang at Crossroads. Thank you for all the wonderful people God is using in this ministry.
Only one life t’will soon be past, only whats done for Christ will last.
Whether we live or die Christs provision has made us all winners either way
Such encouragement every day!!
God Bless you David and all at Crossroads!!
Amen, Amen & Amen!!