Suggested Reading: Deuteronomy 17-18
(click scripture link to read online)

A young man studies scripture in a Jewish library situated against the ancient Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Deuteronomy 17:19
And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes…
Moses predicted that one day Israel would have a king. The first three were Saul, David and Solomon. It may be that they failed to read the Word of God every day, and the direct result was that they multiplied wives, silver and gold for themselves, and more and more power for themselves. Early in their lives, they served God faithfully and from that time of faithfully fearing the Lord, we have many Psalms and Proverbs. God made one of His “exceeding great and precious promises” (read 2 Peter 1:3-14). Peter writes, “be even more diligent.” Diligence in reading the Word, fearing the Lord, and being obedient to Him will have results… “he may prolong his days….he and his children” (Deut.17:20).
Then there are the orders to stone certain offenders. We should be glad that Jesus changed the stoning procedure. He said, “Let him who is without sin among you cast the first stone” (John 8:7). Stephen was killed by stoning with Saul, later Paul, supervising the stoning (Acts 7:58). Paul was, himself, stoned in Lystra (Acts 14:19) but survived. No doubt, Stephen and Paul have already discussed their experiences of stoning. They are, I’m sure, rejoicing that Jesus changed things concerning stoning.
Thank You Jesus for Your pure love for the woman who was about to be stoned. You gave her a new beginning in her life. You gave me a new beginning too. Please help me to reaffirm again my commitment to Your instructions to us all, and in particular to leaders. I ask You to give me the grace of faithfulness in reading Your Word, as highlighted in our key verse. Amen!!!!
Frankly, I’m looking forward to getting into our next book, Romans. We’ll arrive there, God willing, on January 6th. The writer, Paul, was a highly educated intellectual. He took all those things we are reading in the Torah, and presented the Law in the Jesus way. Hallelujah!
Concerning the temptations of leadership, I did not multiply wives. Thank You Jesus! Nor did I multiply gold and silver. However, I did multiply horses. The ministry had over 400 horses. There were 11 Circle Square Ranches at one time where horsemanship is the main activity. Crossroads has donated most of the Ranches to Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, where they are being carried on, along with their existing Pioneer Camps. I would encourage my “100 Words” readers to send children and teens to camp this Summer. Christmas day is tomorrow. What a great idea for a gift. Check out Inter-Varsity’s camps here.
Yours for “prolonged” days for each of us and for our children,
It’s a wonderful thing to seek the Bible for wisdom, spiritual sustenance and life itself. I think the key is to return to the Bible often, but more than this, to seek the heart of God within the text. I believe it’s a good thing to be Holy Spirit led when reading the Bible, for the Bible is no regular book and we must treat it as it is … The Word of God.
There is a higher understanding in the Hebrew texts which can be revealed by the Holy Spirit, rather than literal interpratation. At least, this is what I seem to be discovering. I am glad you clarified Christs stance on stoning, “as all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Reading scripture purifies the soul and uplifts our spirit to manage day-to-day challenges. A silent and holy night tonight to all … night when Christ was born; night divine!
Precious Holy Spirit, ” Fill me and use me”, These simple words of prayer are powerful for us to be used naturally, supernaturally. The Lord draws close to us when we draw near to him and l believe he loves our invitation to be available. Merry Christmas Everyone! Love Christine.
Thankyou, David, I pray your prayer….I must confess it has been a
stretch keeping up on Deuteronomy these busy days but you inspire me and if you,
a very busy man, are faithful to this calling, then I can do this, knowing we are all growing together. I too am really looking forward to Romans!
Other David, O Holy Night is my favorite carol…..thankyou for reminding us of those words. I have a sense of Peace when I think of that night, and everything
Jesus did in His coming
For those missing loved ones, I pray the Peace that comes from the Prince of
Peace. There is coming a day when all things will be made right and God will
wipe away every tear.
I wish you all a most Blessed Christmas, David, Norma-Jean and family, and
blogging family!!
I too join Anne in wishing you David, Norma-Jean, family and all fellow bloggers a very blessed Christmas. Also, thank you, David for your continued faithfulness. God is blessing here and I see some firsts this year as we focus on the birth of the Christ Child in our midst. What an unspeakable gift!
Couldn’t have said it better myself, Ger. Thank you for your words and heart. Christmas Eve, such a special time. God bless you, everyone!
At Polson Park Free Methodist Church in Kingston, I will be reciting a new poem I wrote for our Christmas Eve service. I would like to share it with all of you. I wish you a very Merry Christmas! All for the love of Jesus!
Peace Within
Peace within is attainable, to all who seek, will find,
It comes from the Holy Spirit?a gift of grace, divine.
To comfort and console us, in times of trial and grief,
To calm, hold and sustain us, as love is what we need.
A world so full of hatred, our Saviour
Merry Christmas, David, family and fellow bloggers! May God Bless everyone of you!!! Thank you David for your faithfulness as you minister to us! Thank you also fellow bloggers!
Let’s try this again…
Peace Within
Peace within is attainable, to all who seek, will find,
It comes from the Holy Spirit?a gift of grace, divine.
To comfort and console us, in times of trial and grief,
To calm, hold and sustain us, as love is what we need.
A world so full of hatred, our Saviour
Peace Within
Peace within is attainable, to all who seek, will find,
It comes from the Holy Spirit?a gift of grace, divine.
To comfort and console us, in times of trial and grief,
To calm, hold and sustain us, as love is what we need.
A world so full of hatred, our Saviour
Sorry, cannot get it to post the whole poem; hoping to get it corrected. Everyone is welcome to Polson Park Free Methodist Church, Kingston; service 6:30-7:30 pm tonight. Corner of Portsmouth and Miles avenue. Portsmouth is one stoplight west of Sir John A. MacDonald Blvd and Bath Rd. On Portsmouth, head south towards the lake. Miles is the next stoplight.
Dear David, I am not as faithful at following the daily devotion as you are at writing it. Thank you for investing in all of us that follow 100 Words. Wishing you and your family peace, joy and love on this Christmas Eve as we celebrate the birth of Christ the King.
Dear Rev. David,
I have been following your blog since you started, thank-you! There is no substitute for reading scripture every day! Bless you and all your family, with much appreciation,
Merry Christmas Everyone
Thanks be unto God for His wonderful gift:
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
is the object of our faith; the only faith
that saves is faith in Him.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Dear David
I love the links to verses in your study
It makes studying the Bible more comprehensive
God bless
O Holy Night! May we all take the time to seek a quiet place to focus on the “GIFT” we were given this special night, and may it touch our heart as it did those who came and worshipped at the manger.
Come…let us adore and worship Him. (and maybe read of His birth again.)
Merry Christmas David, Norma-Jean and all your family, and to those who are following this blog.
Merry Christmas David,Norma-Jean and family,
will be praying for you and all the family bloggers tonight at our candlelight vigil at Fairview Alliance Church in DDO,Montreal Qc.
God bless you all
Carole and Ray.
Merry Christmas David, Norma Jean and fellow bloggers. May you all receive the love and peace that Jesus has for all who believe. He is the Prince of Peace, the Great Comforter. We can rest assured that one day we will all meet in that glorious place called heaven. Until then He is with us to the end of the age. Thank-you God for your son our Savior, the free gift of eternal life.
David a word of encouragement for you. If you write one word or 1000 I am always blessed by your
Blog. You truly shine through as a man of God and we are a blessed country to have you ,for you blazed the way for Christian t.v
In Canada and have led thousands to Christ . May God pour out his healing touch upon you and bless you in your time of suffering. God Bless you and keep you strong my brother in Christ Sincerely