Suggested Reading: Luke 15-16
(click scripture link to read online)
![September 21, 2012](
Near Tabgha Beach, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, stands the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter. This square building of black basalt, built in 1934, is where Jesus is believed to have made a third appearance to His disciples after His Resurrection. As the event is described in the 21st chapter of John's Gospel, Peter and six other disciples had been fishing all night without catching anything. Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the beach, though they did not recognize Him. Jesus told the disciples to cast their net on the right side of the boat and the net filled with 153 fish. When the disciples dragged the net ashore, they found that Jesus had cooked them breakfast on a charcoal fire. The rock incorporated in the church floor is traditionally believed to be the place where Jesus prepared breakfast. It was known to medieval pilgrims as Mensa Christ (the table of Christ).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Luke 15:4-5
What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it, and when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
The lost sheep! The lost coin! The lost son! Do we get it? Our reading finishes with the story of the lost rich man, his lost brothers, and the salvation of the beggar Lazarus. Jesus really cares about lost people. Sheep #100 is of eternal importance to Him. We must recognize the infinite value of one precious person. If we want to be like Jesus, there is no other way than to focus our attention on finding the lost and bringing them to our Father in Heaven. Do we look for the prodigal as the father did in the story, or do we betray an essential selfishness like the older brother who had been faithful but uncaring for his lost brother? Chapter 16 introduces money into the mix. Time is equal to money. Are our priorities right before God and before people?
Lord Jesus, in today’s reading You are getting through to me. There are lost souls all around me. Help me to bring the lost back home to You today and every day. Help me, and help my church and the ministries I support, to constantly find opportunities to reach out to those lost in the maze of man-made philosophies, self-centred goals, and all the traps set by the enemy of our souls. I pray this, determined to look for the lost, in Your Name, Lord Jesus. Amen!
One tool that the Crossroads ministry has used to find the lost and bring them to Jesus has been to build and operate pavilions at World Expos. The last Expo in which we were involved was Germany’s first…Expo 2000 in Hanover. The great fish, sketched out on our dining room table, designed by architect Rob Adsett of Australia and pictured below, was voted the “Icon of the Expo” by the German people. The content of the pavilion in Hanover, Germany, was a movie based on the story of the prodigal son and the story of Jonah, written and produced by our own Chief Content Officer for Crossroads, Bruce Stacey. Out of the millions who visited our pavilions in four Expos, at least 100,000 lost souls were found and brought home to our Father God. Names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, were recorded. They signed up for a Bible correspondence course and they were followed up by churches around the world. This work was supported by people who also support the TV Ministry. I’ve learned that while these great efforts are important, they are not to be considered a substitute for my personal, one-to-one, soul winning.
Yours for finding lost people and bringing them home with us,
‘Love’ is the whole basis of Jesus’ ministry and therefore sets an example for us of what we could be to others in this world, through the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus admonishes us to be open to others, while upholding our Christian values and beliefs. I am not sure about Luke 16:18, whoever divorces and remarries commits adultery, as in some cases it is necessary. This command does discourage divorce, and for good reason.
As Scott said Jesus life was/is Love so we must do the same for others to see
through the Holy Spirit everyday and wherever we go.
Lianne Hogg
Thank you for showing the picture of the pavillion. It truly is unique and so fitting regarding all Christians need to be “fishers of men”. It is a great reminder of what Jesus called us to do. We need to keep being about the Father’s business.
David, all these beautiful pictures are a constant reminder that Jesus did live, left a legacy and that He is alive today. I personally am so grateful to be part of His family and continue to be a Light to the lost. Have a great day and know that you are prayed for.
I’m beginning to understand yhe Apostle, Paul when he said. what I want to do I don’t and what I don’t want to do, I do. It is so hard to break old habits.
The pavilion is lovely.
Again, Thankyou for Everything
Thank you for your continuing daily words. I
have been unable to check in lately, but was so happy to see you on the show yesterday. You looked great. And Happy Anniversary to you and Norma Jean!!
A desire to exchange a belly of a whale for a beautiful yellow submarine may be accomplished by praising God from whom all blessing flow. God’s faithful Love abides forever
I am missing your point … yellow submarine?
He is Faithfufl ….to meet us where we are….thank you Jesus
it was good to see you yesterday David… as we continue to pray…..the Battle belongs to the Lord as we journey….
Give Ann a hug for me and wish her a ( Happy Birthday ) ……until later…*WOTL*