Suggested Reading: Exodus 35
(click scripture link to read online)
![September 4, 2012](
The priest is before the Brazen (bronze) Laver just outside of the Holy Place in the Court of the Tabernacle. This is the replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle that is set up at the Crossroads Centre in Burlington until the end of September 2012.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 35:5
Take from among you an offering to the Lord. Whoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it as an offering to the Lord: gold, silver, and bronze…
It’s a commentary on human nature that God sets the highest standards and speaks of severe judgement in order to encourage us to rise to His standards. For example, to my knowledge, there were no executions for not keeping the Sabbath. Rather than labouring under the heavy weight of the letter of the Law, the people gladly gave of their resources and their skills in work. This was the spirit of the Law in action. Three times in this chapter we read the words “a willing heart.” In every project God lays on the hearts of His leaders, there is always the burden of raising finances and materials. God, in His wisdom, gave instructions through Moses that only those with a “WILLING HEART” were to give to His work. God’s Tabernacle was not built by those who were stingy with God’s cause. The people showed their gratitude for all God had done for them by giving sacrificially. The result was the joy and blessing of God.
Dear Lord, the starting point of my journey with You is to give my entire self to You. Therefore, all that I have in my possession is Yours. I ask myself not how much should I give, but how much may I use of Your resources for my shelter, my food, my transportation, etc. Thank You for the fact that You, Jesus, said, “My sheep know My voice.” I’m listening Lord. I pray now for grace to obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
I’m so glad that the Council of Jerusalem put only a small portion of the laws of Moses on the non-Jewish believers in Jesus (check out Acts 15:20). Sabbath keeping is not in that list. Of course other laws about murder, adultery, etc. are repeated by Jesus and the Apostles as binding on us. I was in attendance at a congregation some time back where the offering was announced and the people all clapped and rejoiced. Great! I’m well aware that the Scripture says, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7). I love to give and I am loved by God. I remember when I was a student in the Peterborough Bible College, an old man came in and began giving out $10 bills to the students. I laugh with joy at the remembrance. There was a whole lot of love there that day.
Yours for the joy of obeying God’s New Covenant Laws and for the love that flows when we give back to God,
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Good morning, David. I am writing this at 3:47AM in Nanaimo, BC. I do appreciate the blog everyday; I am not Jewish or 7th day Adventist and with all due respect David, I have to disagree with you on the observance of the 7th day Sabbath, Jesus and the apostles did observe it and it is found throughout the New Testament. I hope you are feeling well and have a blessed day!
I think the main point is that God wants us to come to Him with a heart of a willing servant. The law caused many to stumble as religious legalism became the order of the day. For the Jew, Sabbath was being observant of tradition and law. The Christian however is bound only by two commands, to love the Lord your God alone and to love your neighbour as yourself.
Thankyou David, my heart is warmed each morning as my inbox is
highlighted and your words remind me how wonderful it is to belong to this great
family of our heavenly Father.His word is alive and quickens us to get ready for the day! Blessings!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. That is our mandate… how little it matters the day of the week! Lets celebrate that our God reigns every day of the week so others will know Jesus is alive. Amen…
In reply to Scott and Carolyn: Jesus said: If you love me, Keep my Commandments! If you break one, you are Guilty of all! The keeping of the Sabbath is # 4. I respect your views but I believe in my heart that this is True! Praise the Lord!
David, thank you for including a daily prayer with your blog. It really touched my heart, and “hit home” today when you prayed “I ask myself not how much should I give, but how much may I use of Your resources for my shelter, my food, my transportation, etc. That gives me a new and truer perspective on what it means to give with a willing heart. God bless you.
Thank you Lord…. for all you have given to us as we journey this earth heading home… help us to manage it all well…because…it all belongs to You
it is Not how much of the Lord’s money do we give back to Him….
it is
How much of the Lord’s money do we Keep for Ourselves ….
He will supply our Needs and if we believe that…….then we give to further the Kingdom work with joy and gladness in our Hearts…..and then the Blessings come down…..
sending prayers for your health dear David…as we continue praying for each other…..
And I know His commandment is life everlasting. John 12:50. Life and righteousness are inseparable. Righteousness of God obtained by faith in Christ, brings with it the life of God inseparably connected with righteousness bestowed upon us as a gift through faith in Christ. It is a life of righteousness or right doing of Christ. “And this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Jeremiah 23:6. Manifestation of Spirit is given to each for the profit of all. 1 Corinthians 12:7, and we are good stewards of God’s grace. 1 Peter 4:10 “It’s all about JESUS!”