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Suggested Reading: Exodus 12
(click scripture link to read online)
![August 16, 2012](
Children on a school field trip to En Gedi enjoy the waterfall pools. King David hid from Saul in a nearby cave.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 12:14
So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.
Be sure to tell the next generations that Christ is our Passover Lamb (1 Cor. 5:7). Choose that time with the children carefully. Repeat the story in a variety of ways over and over. Ask God for creativity in the way you do it (Deut. 11:19). Christ was without defect (verse 5). The lamb was set apart for four days. Christ entered Jerusalem four days before He was sacrificed for us (verses 3 & 6). The lamb was consumed by fire (verses 6 – 9). Christ took the “fire” in suffering. Not a bone was to be broken (Ex 12:46, Ps 22:17, Jn 19:36). The blood of the sacrifice was applied (Ex. 12:22-23, Col. 1:20, 1 Jn 1:8-9). Keeping this “ordinance” (an order) was absolutely essential (Ex. 12:24, Heb 9:22). Please do your best over the next hours to look up these references. Make this not just a devotional but a Bible study.
Lord Jesus, I believe You were sacrificed as my Passover Lamb. I believe that Your blood was shed for me. I apply, by faith, Your blood to the doorposts of my household for salvation and protection. I can only say “thanks” by giving my life to You and by leaving the bondage of sin in obedience to Your orders. I have a brand new life because of Your precious blood. It’s all through You, Christ Jesus, Amen!
After our children were tucked into bed, Norma-Jean and I would kiss them and say, “Lord Jesus, cover them with Your precious blood. Keep them safe.” Norma-Jean would sing, “All hail King Jesus, all hail Emmanuel, King of kings, Lord of lords, bright Morning Star…” Not only was this for our children, it continues with our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren. The next generations do the same. What a confidence! What a comfort! I’m an old softie and I still do this when I’m with our 49, 50, 52 & 53-year-old children at bed time. Well, I don’t tuck them in, but I pray with them as often as I can. It is my conviction that having fathered children, the greatest tragedy would be for them to be lost for all eternity. One of my children, when a teenager, strayed away from God one night. I went to my knees and said, “Lord, if I die on this spot, I’m not stopping my cries to You until this child repents.” At about 2 a.m. I felt an arm around my neck and heard sobbing, and the words, “Daddy, I won’t do these things ever again. I’m sorry, I’ve asked God to forgive me and I’m asking you to forgive me too.” We wept together.
Yours for our children, our children’s children, and beyond,
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1 Corinthians 5:7 (GNT) “You must remove the old yeast of sin so that you will be entirely pure. Then you will be like a new batch of dough without any yeast, as indeed I know you actually are. For our Passover Festival is ready, now that our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.”
Pray and “cry to the Lord” for our son but the answer is so slow coming. No middle of the night atonement and forgiveness. Please pray for my doubt and strengthen my trust. Thanking God for ALL things is a hard lesson to learn. God Bless.
In those moments of prayer and song at bedtime …
“All hail King Jesus
All hail Emmanuel
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Bright Morning Star
And throughout eternity
I’ll sing Your Praises
And I’ll reign with You throughout eternity”
…we remember.
Amen David, we are given gifts in our children and have a spiritual responsibility to tell them about Jesus, to study the Bible and train them,. How awesome to have these on going memories. I will treasure mine as well. Praise the Lord!
Thank you Lord for the Prayers of our parents, Grandparents…who never gave up ….. Prayer Changes Things…..
i still cry for the Lost.. and seek the Kingdom …. we are the Workers…in the field that is ripe …. let us go and be the answered prayer…to someone who we do not know….
its a choice…..
Bless You David….. i picture the arms around you…and the tears of Joy…Our Lord is Faithful…..Amen….
as we continue to journey on…… Peace, His Joy, & Love….
I love to hear how people say GoodNight to their children. We say Numbers 6:24-26 “May the Lord Bless and keep you…”
PS It’s been over a month since I’ve been inboxed a blog. They’re not in my junkmail. When I attempt to resubscribe it just says “your file has been updated”. In any case I have been googling the blog
It is God’s Will that your children be saved. Psalm 72:4 and His Will that they know His glory. Psalm 90:16 He will establish children and grandchildren Psalm 102:28. The Lord will give increase to you and your children Psalm 115:l3,14. Your children shall have authority over the enemy Psalm 127:4,5. The Lord will fight the enemy and save your children. Isaiah 49:25,26. God’s peace will be upon your children. Isaiah 54:13. Your children will receive the nourishment of God’s Word. Isaiah 60:4. Blessings revealed to children and children’s children Psalm 103:17.
God’s faithful Love abides forever!
It is interesting that even though the isrealites were slaves, they were still allowed to have their own herds & flocks…Lorna