Suggested Reading: Mark 3
(click scripture link to read online)

Capernaum has many traces of earlier societies. Found among its ruins is this grinding wheel which could work even today.
GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 3:35
…For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.
In the first three chapters, the word “immediately” is used 11 times. Peter told the stories to Mark, who wrote them down. Peter was an “immediately” man. He believed in “do it now.” Jesus mentored him in this.
The healing of the withered hand united three religious groups in opposition to Jesus. An unclean “religious spirit” motivated them. Even “His own people” (probably relatives) thought Him “out of His mind” (verse 21). The warning against the one who “blasphemes against the Holy Spirit” (verse 29) is most serious. The primary work of God’s Spirit is in bringing people to Jesus for Salvation. Rejecting Jesus until death is unforgivable because one never asks for forgiveness.
Finally, how do we do “God’s will?” We live our lives as a true “Brother, and sister, and mother” to Jesus (Jesus’ true Father is God and Joseph had passed away). All I must do is follow Jesus ever so closely.
Lord God, I pray fervently that I will do Your will, acting “immediately” on that which You’ve taught me through Your Word. May this daily blog light up “God’s will” so that I may see You with insight and live accordingly. In Jesus Name, Amen!
My blog photo from two days ago is of the synagogue in Capernaum. It’s a third century structure, but you can see the original foundation from the time of Jesus when you visit. In our Holy Land tour this November (you are invited), I plan to read Mark 3 to our group on this very spot, God willing. It brings the activities of Jesus alive for us all. My mother and father visited this sight on their honeymoon in 1924. They were missionaries next door to Israel, in Egypt. I lived as a child on these stories and over and over I looked at their pictures. Miss Brown, a missionary in Jerusalem, loaned my parents her Model T Ford car. Dad said he backed up the hills of Palestine (before Israel became a modern state), because the car’s gas supply was gravity feed, and if the tank was lower than the engine, he’d run out of gas. Well, that’s not really important, but I enjoy telling these stories.
Yours to help us all do “God’s will,”
REMINDER: If you are reading the email version and wish to post a comment on my blog, go to www.100words.ca and “Leave a Reply.”
I was also struck by the homesty of the scriptures as a relative of Jesus essentially slags him off as being some kind of nutbat! Wow!!! This happening after Jesus had worked miracled, had shown great knowledge and wisdom and had taught with great authority. Jealousy? Pride? Contempt?
David, I like your story today of the Model T Ford and thought of how we “run out of gas” when our spiritual “tank” is lower than the engine, which drives us. There is no better time than NOW.
Amen to what David Solace said. I also find myself running out of drive if my ‘spiritual tank’ is low on gas because I haven’t filled up on God’s daily supply. Thank you very much.
David, I am very much enjoying your blogs and I like how easy you have made it to go over and read the scipture. And I so enjoy your pictures–how I love Israel, and I love your comments, after. What a blessing you are being to many, I am sure.
I have encouraged others to join your site. God bless you, Norma and your family.
David, if God can take the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, I have no doubt He can take what seems like an unimportant detail and make it essential to someone. Just continue to write what is in your heart to say and God will do the rest.
Hi David, It’s wonderful getting to know you through yourLove Blog,and hearing some of your memories. As for the scripture,sometimes when our own natural family reject us because of our zeal for Jesus,it is comforting to realize that our true family is this huge family of believers who are on the same page. Of course we all want to see our natural families saved, every one of them,so we will keep on praying for them until we are called up to Heaven. Love You Lots my precious brother. Chris.
The basic principle of Christian Life is knowing God put sin, sickness, disease, sorrow, grief and poverty on Jesus at Calvary. Jesus who was sinless was made a curse that we might receive the beautiful blessings of Abraham, the father of the faithful. Glory be to God forevermore! Jesus died and NOW lives for the whole human race giving His righteousness and authority to us. We receive by faith in His Name. We have a kingdom, a kingdom of love, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost. God has no delight in the afflictions of His people. Our integrity may be tested, but God never allows affliction to remain turning it into a miracle to prove the righteousness of His chosen. God remains true under all circumstances. His kingdom stands forever. Mark 3: 24, 25.
I love to hear and read stories to never give up telling them. I loved hearing stories
from my dad even if I heard it before. Its important to keep up with the history of
my family
Lianne Hogg
Hi David,
Reading your devotional today, reminded me of what me and my wife Joy have done lately, with her deteriorating
chronic health.
God’s will be done, it’s been a long painful struggle; healing or taking her home. There have been multitiudes of prayers for her.
God bless you David in your remaining time in ministring for Him.
Love in Jesus,
Al Smith
Thoroughly enjoying the antecdotes! This blog is a blessing, indeed!
David I have not got 100 Words delivered to my Inbox since July 19th. Can you please have this corrected. I was getting them before. Thank You Darleen Hopkins
Hello Darlene. Please try to re-subscribe on the blog home page. Hopefully that will work. God bless!
I haven’t either 🙁 and I re-subscribed but I didn’t ever get a confirmation email thus have still not gotten the blog inboxed to me….
David, I also love your stories, they make everything more personal. I can imagine that old Model T for backing up the hills of the Galilee. It’s so beautiful there and so amazing that your parents were able to visit at that time.
Wow David…. What a wonderful story and Blog that has been started.. As we join together….i was away today and just now did my read…and loved to read the reply’s of those who send messages of love to you…. what a precious family of God we Belong to as we get to know one another…. Praying for all that is on your Heart my Brother….. as always…Di
PS…i know this sunday will be so very special to you..enjoy to the Full..
as always…as we Jouryey heading Home…..
From June 30th to July 19 your 100 Words gave a special start to my days but since then they have not come in. I have tried to resign up but nothing happens. I hope it will be possible to get them restarted. Reynold’s photo’s are wonderful, as are your comments. I record100 Huntley Street each day and very much enjoyed it later in the day. This blog is a blessing as is 100 Huntley Street, May God be with you as continue to bring His Word to us all.
Thankyou !