Suggested Reading: Matthew 19-20

A young man seeks God in St. Gabriel Church Nazareth. It is suggested by the Greek Orthodox to be the place of Annunciation. In the crypt of the church flows Mary's spring, the source of Mary's well.
Key Verse: Matthew 20:27-28
“And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave– just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
There are several key differences between the structure and leadership of a typical company and the Church. (i.e. Walmart – the most recent business where Norma-Jean shopped). The first difference is apparent in our key verses. Usually in a secular setting, a leader emerges who is hard-driving, ambitious, and strives for a higher position. This is entirely the opposite of Christ’s teaching regarding the Church. Only the humble should lead; they lead not from a place of pride, but from a position of serving. Another difference has to do with power. In the Church, the “Chief Executive Officer” is always the Chief Servant, and we seek to serve Him, the Lord Jesus, instead of ourselves.
Jesus, please make my heart more and more like Yours – a servant’s heart. Amen!
I learned a lot from my Dad. He had an earned doctorate, served as a college President, and served God in Egypt for 21 years. When he came home on furlough, he would request a country charge (two or more congregations). He kept coveralls and boots in the trunk of the car. He would visit from farm to farm, find the farmer and ask if he could help him clean the cow stable. When I had a day off school, I’d be there with him. After an hour or so of work, he would say to the farmer, “Do you suppose we could have prayer with you and your wife?” He was never turned down. The churches filled up and people came to know Christ.
Yours as a slave of the One who washed other people’s feet,
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In our fast-paced corporate world of slogans where we receive ‘instant access’, ‘guaranteed delivery or it’s free’ and ‘service you can trust’ … we sometimes forget what is important and real in our lives from moment to moment. This world is filled with empty promises, we temporarily live in this self-serving world. But we are not of this world. David, today you talked about servanthood and how the first shall be last, and you gave a splendid example of a Dad who knew the real meaning of being a servant and was able to communicate and connect with God’s people in a tangible way. Isn’t it nice to know that we serve a Lord who REALLY comes through with promises we can trust? Christ came to serve … are we prepared to serve today? In this world the corporate suit is held up as a design of success. In our new home where servanthood is the design of success … a little child shall lead them.
A humble servant highly prized in the kingdom of heaven … It’s always intersting to take note of how helpful waitresses and waiters are treated and valued in restaurants by those being served. This, I believe, can be a reflection on how one values Matthew 20:27-28.
what a wonderful earthly Father you had…he taught you how to show God’s love practically…mine did too…praise God for our godly fathers:)
Yes, this is a wonderful reflection of serving God. I pray every day that the Lord will renew my heart and align me to this plumb line by His Holy Spirit living in me. Jesus is beautiful and thankyou David for sharing this beauty with all of Canada and the world. I understand you won an award for serving our country. I am a faithful partner with 100 Huntley Street for many years. I was just recently thinking about the many years that we have had the wonderful blessing of Christian programming from sea to shining sea. I praise the Lord for your faithfulness to Him and the powerful blessing this ministry has been to others. Thankyou David for being a servant. Thankyou for revealing Jesus the greatest Servant the world has ever known. Only eternity will reveal how many lives have been touched and changed by the power of the message, but I am praising God right now with tears in my eyes because I know this work has been invaluable to every Canadian. Thankyou David and may God bless you and keep you in the palm of His Hand.
I agree with you David being humble and helping someone without them even noticing is what wants us to be his servant.
Lianne Hogg
Dear David, What a blessing you are to all of us, who follow your ministry and know that Jesus is our Savior and LORD. It is such a honor to do a job where I can freely express myself and let others know whose I am, and who I belong to.
Therefore in my service and in my living, may I always do the will of my savior. Its my hearts prayer, that thy will be done at all times. May I always have the strength and the courage to let world know about Jesus, God my Father and Holy Spirit who lives in me. Yes, and how true it is, That , It’s all about Jesus.
David, your father was a wonderful example of showing servanthood. People sit up and take notice of this type of lifestyle. Doors open to this kind of evangelism. It is so refreshing to see people do humble tasks witthout being asked. They see a need and they fill it. Thanks for the reminder.
Thoroughly enjoying these devotions, thank you for this blog. God Bless you with renewed strength and His wisdom as you share His word. This is awesome and a blessing to having you share. I look forward to your blog of what God is laying on your heart.
Awesome David… i am enjoying this very much…. in the Mornig & Afternoon..soaking with the Lord… it was a great morning on 100 Huntley st to see your smiling face…as prayers continue….as we journey….
Diane ….
@Reynold. Appreciate how your pics are inclusive of Christian perspective.
right on brother
David, a college professor @ the old EPBC, Peterborough, Rev. George Griffin, once said, “those who want to minister and lead must put on the servants apron”. Your dear father put on rubber boots and overalls. Either way the garb speaks of service which means getting one’s hands/feet dirty.
Thank you for for these “words in season”. I look forward to more.
“By grace are ye saved through faith, and not of yourself, it is the gift of God!” His grace is sufficient for you. The great servant, number ONE, has come not to be served but to serve. “YES, IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS!.” He is our shepherd! Everything we need is supplied. O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good; His mercy endureth for ever. Psalm 136:1
What a great example of understanding the meaning of a servant. I wish more Pastors would “get that”.
I really like the photos you include with your message thankyou.
Praying for you David. Thank you again for this wonderful blog.
God Bless,